60 NNL-00001 to NNL-01078

NNL-00001: request argument "string" is invalid

Cause: The user entered an invalid request command argument.

Action: Supply a valid argument.

NNL-00002: request argument "string" is not allowed with this operation

Cause: The user entered a request command argument which is not valid with the particular request command.

Action: Supply a valid argument.

NNL-00003: memory exhausted

Cause: The program has run out of memory

Action: Check the amount of available memory on your machine to ensure that there is enough memory to run this executable. If necessary, free up memory by running fewer programs, then try again.

NNL-00004: invalid command argument "string"

Cause: The user entered an invalid command argument.

Action: Supply a valid argument.

NNL-00005: no server has been set. Use the "SET SERVER" command first

Cause: The user attempted to issue a command which requires that a default managed Oracle Names server be set first.

Action: Use the SET SERVER command to set your default server, then reissue the command. Alternatively, if the command allows, re-issue it with a specific server name so the control program does not need to use the default.

NNL-00006: timeout, server is not responding

Cause: The control program issued a request to an Oracle Names server and no response arrived in a timely fashion. The network connection between the control program and the server may be faulty, the server may be very heavily loaded, or there may be substantial network delays between the control program and the server. The latter is especially true for WAN links.

Action: Reissue the command; if it continues to fail, check to see that the server being managed is running correctly and that the network connection between the server and the control program is working correctly.

NNL-00007: server responded with an error

Cause: The control program issued a request to an Oracle Names server and the server responded with an error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the failing operation. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00008: request not understood by server

Cause: The control program issued a request to an Oracle Names server and the server did not understand the request.

Action: If the server and the control program have different versions, they may be unable to communicate. Check your documentation for version compatibility constraints. If the server and control program are compatible, turn on tracing for further details, and re-execute the failing operation. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00009: encryption of server password failed

Cause: The control program attempted and failed to encrypt a server password, supplied either through the SET PASSWORD command or the namesctl.server_password configuration parameter.

Action: An internal error not normally visible to the user. Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00010: error getting address for server "string"

Cause: The control program attempted to translate a server name to its corresponding address, and failed. There are a large number of possible causes for the failure. The control program's SQLNET.ORA file must exist in the correct system-specific location, and must be readable by the control program. The file must contain a names.preferred_servers entry with valid name server addresses. If the user has changed managed servers with the SET SERVER command, the new server must be running, and must be able to resolve the address or forward the request to another server which can resolve the address. Alternatively, a TNSNAMES.ORA file with valid name server names and addresses must exist in the correct system-specific location.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the failing operation. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00011: no server with name "string" exists

Cause: The user issued a SET SERVER request and the current managed Oracle Names server was unable to translate that name into an address. Alternatively, the user issued a control program request to a specific server, and that server's name could not be translated into an address. Both problems are almost always caused by mis-typing the server name.

Action: Re-issue the request with a valid server name.

NNL-00012: invalid "string" value "string"

Cause: The first argument is a data type, the second is a value. The user supplied an invalid data value of the specified type.

Action: Re-issue the failing operation with correct data.

NNL-00013: not performed, permission denied for supplied password

Cause: The user issued a request to an Oracle Names server, and the password supplied with the request was incorrect.

Action: Check to see that the password sent by the control program to the server is correct for that server. You can set a new password with the SET PASSWORD control program command.

NNL-00014: unknown data type "string"

Cause: The user issued a name server request which contained an unknown data type.

Action: It is possible that the server had no information on the type, but automatically fetched it in response to the failing request. Re-issue the failing request; if the server has in the meantime fetched the appropriate data type information, the error will go away. If the error persists, the data type is probably invalid.

NNL-00015: type "string" has "string" syntax, which has no textual representation

Cause: Not all data type syntaxes can be represented as text. This message indicates that the user issued a name server request for a type with an non-textual representation.

Action: Re-issue the operation with a data type that has a syntax with a textual representation.

NNL-00016: cannot start server, error getting program directory's name

Cause: The user issued a STARTUP request, but the control program was unable to start the server because it was unable to find the name of the directory where the server executable resides.

Action: An internal error not normally visible to the user. Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00017: cannot start server, program "string" does not exist

Cause: The user issued a STARTUP request, but the control program was unable to start the server because it was unable to find the server executable.

Action: Make sure that a copy of the server executable exists in your system's oracle executable directory.

NNL-00018: warning: could not contact default name server

Cause: The control program was unable to contact its default name server during startup. There are a number of possible causes for this error. The control program's SQLNET.ORA file must exist in the correct system-specific location, and must be readable by the control program. The file must contain a names.preferred_servers entry with valid name server addresses. The first server in the preferred-server list must be running, and there must be network connectivity between the control program and that server.

Action: Check to see that all of the above are true. If the control program is still unable to contact its default server, turn on tracing and restart the control program. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00019: warning: server either changed or ignored your request

Cause: The user issued a request to an Oracle Names server and that request was altered in some way. Typically the user specified an invalid argument of some sort, and the server either ignored the request, or replaced the invalid argument with a reasonable default.

Action: Use the control program to check the current state of the value that you attempted to change. The server's log file may also contain information about the exact cause of the problem. Re-issue the operation with correct arguments.

NNL-00020: warning: no TNSNAMES.ORA file and no preferred name servers in SQLNET.ORA

Cause: The control program was unable to find a TNSNAMES.ORA file and was unable to find a default name server in SQLNET.ORA. The control program will operate in this state, but will be unable to resolve any names until a default server has been set, and that server must be set using its raw TNS address.

Action: The control program's SQLNET.ORA file must exist in the correct system-specific location, and must be readable by the control program. The file must contain a names.preferred_servers entry with valid name server addresses. The first server in the preferred-server list must be running, and there must be network connectivity between the control program and that server. Alternatively, a TNSNAMES.ORA file with valid name server information must exist in the correct system-specific location.

NNL-00022: error changing trace level from string to string, level change ignored

Cause: The user attempted to change the control program's local trace level, and the program encountered an error while changing the level. Usually the problem is that tracing was enabled for the first time (by changing the trace level from OFF to something else) and the trace file is not writeable by the control program.

Action: Check to see that the trace file is writeable. Your documentation will tell you the name of the trace file.

NNL-00023: SET command is missing an argument

Cause: The user attempted to issue a SET command with no argument.

Action: Supply a valid argument to the SET command.

NNL-00024: warning: no preferred name servers in SQLNET.ORA

Cause: The control program was unable to find any preferred name servers in SQLNET.ORA, and will therefore not connect to a default server.

Action: Make sure that the SQLNET.ORA file contains a valid names.preferred_servers entry.

NNL-00035: File string or nested IFILEs not found.

Cause: Error in loading from the tnsfile.

Action: None

NNL-00036: No records loaded

Cause: No loadable data.

Action: None

NNL-00037: Error number while sequencing through parameter table.

Cause: The NL Parameter system reported an error while retrieving the next name from the table.

Action: An internal error not normally visible to the user. Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00038: Distinguished Name syntax error

Cause: Distinguished Name incorrectly specified.

Action: Supply a valid DN.

NNL-00039: no RRs

Cause: Object has no relevant RRs to be mapped to LDAP objects.

Action: None

NNL-00040: Distinguished Name exceeds buffer length: string

Cause: Distinguished Name derived from Domain Name is too long.

Action: Either move the object to a domain whose name is shorter or manually update the LDAP object.

NNL-00041: Object string not in domain string

Cause: Object has no relevant RRs to be mapped to LDAP objects.

Action: None

NNL-00042: LDAP bind failure: number, string

Cause: Call to ldap_bind failed with return set to given number.

Action: Correct user/pwd parameters or definitions.

NNL-00043: LDAP open failure

Cause: LDAP server could not be contacted.

Action: Correct connect info or server unavailability.

NNL-00044: Unsupported data type string not mapped

Cause: ONames data type could not be mapped to LDAP attributes

Action: An internal error not normally visible to the user. Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNL-00045: No host given for LDAP server

Cause: LDAP open will dump core without a host.

Action: Provide appropriate host with '-h' option.

NNL-00046: Name string exceeds DN template depth

Cause: There are more domains in the name than are specified in the DN template.

Action: Add fields to the template or migrate subdomains with separate dump operations.

NNL-00047: LDAP modify returned error: 0xnumber, string

Cause: LDAP failed with the return code shown.

Action: Refer to LDAP documentation for the meaning of the error.

NNL-00048: Error opening file: string

Cause: Named file cannot be opened.

Action: Provide for access to file.

NNL-00049: Output in string cannot be renamed to string

Cause: The given file cannot be created.

Action: Insure that the file specified can be created before running the command. Or use the temporary file itself.

NNL-00201: Shutdown occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00202: No shutdown currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00203: Scheduled shutdown to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00204: Cancelled shutdown

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00205: Reload check occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00206: No reload check currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00207: Scheduled reload check to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00208: Cancelled reload check

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00209: Cache checkpoint interval is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00210: Cache checkpointing is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00211: Cache checkpoint interval is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00212: Cache checkpointing is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00213: No entry with specified index number, try "SHOW SYSTEM_QUERIES"

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00214: Next auto-refresh for specified index number occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00215: Scheduled specified index number's next auto-refresh to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00216: Disabled auto-refresh for specified index number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00217: Controller is sleeping for number seconds

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00218: Ignoring spurious trailing text "string"

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00219: Statistic counter logging interval is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00220: Statistic counter logging is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00221: Statistic counter logging interval is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00222: Statistic counter logging is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00223: Statistic counters are next logged in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00224: Scheduled statistic counters to be logged in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00225: Currently managing name server "string"

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00226: Current request-processing delay is string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00227: Request-processing delay is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00228: Request-processing delay is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00229: Request-processing delay is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00230: Controller NOCONFIRM mode is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00231: Controller NOCONFIRM mode is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00232: Auto-refresh failure-retry interval is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00233: Auto-refresh failure-retry interval is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00234: Auto-refresh failure-retry expiration period is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00235: Auto-refresh failure-retry expiration period is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00236: Statistic counter reset interval is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00237: Resetting of statistic counters is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00238: Statistic counter reset interval is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00239: Resetting of statistic counters is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00240: Starting "string"...

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00241: Processing of modification requests is currently enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00242: Processing of modification requests is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00243: Processing of modification requests is now enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00244: Processing of modification requests is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00245: General request processing is currently enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00246: General request processing is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00247: General request processing is now enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00248: General request processing is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00249: DEFAULT-FORWARDERS-ONLY mode is currently enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00250: DEFAULT-FORWARDERS-ONLY mode is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00251: DEFAULT-FORWARDER-ONLY mode is now enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00252: DEFAULT-FORWARDER-ONLY mode is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00253: Server-generated requests currently request forwarding

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00254: Server-generated requests currently do not request forwarding

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00255: Server-generated requests now request forwarding

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00256: Server-generated requests now do not request forwarding

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00257: Server-generated requests currently require authoritative answers

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00258: Server-generated requests currently do not require authoritative answers

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00259: Server-generated requests now require authoritative answers

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00260: Server-generated requests now do not require authoritative answers

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00261: Request forwarding is currently enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00262: Request forwarding is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00263: Request forwarding is now enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00264: Request forwarding is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00266: Round trip time is string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00267: Address is string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00268: Enter name server password:

Cause: Prompt for password after user has issued 'set password'

Action: Type password, invisibly.

NNL-00270: Current default domain is "string"

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00271: Default domain is now "string"

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00272: Removed name "string" from caches along the following path:

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00273: server successfully started\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00274: server not started, errors follow

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00275: Trace level is currently number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00276: Trace level is now number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00277: Maximum number of times a request can be reforwarded is currently number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00278: Maximum number of times a request can be reforwarded is now number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00279: Restart occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00280: No restart currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00281: Scheduled restart to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00282: Cancelled restart

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00283: Next cache checkpoint occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00284: Scheduled cache checkpoint to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00285: Server has no queued system queries

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00286: Server does not own any domains

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00287: Cache flush occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00288: No cache flush currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00289: Scheduled cache flush to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00290: Cancelled cache flush

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00291: Statistic counters are next reset in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00292: Scheduled statistic counters to be reset in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00293: Controller's trace level remains unchanged

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00294: No entries found

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00295: Controller's local trace level is currently number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00296: Controller's local trace level changed from number to number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00297: Cache will be dumped to trace file in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00298: No cache dump currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00299: Scheduled server cache dump to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00300: Cancelled server cache dump

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00301: Server shutting down

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00302: Server restarting

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00303: Server checking for reload

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00304: Server flushing its cache

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00305: Server dumping statistics to the log file

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00306: Server setting all statistic counters to zero

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00307: Server checkpointing its cache

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00308: Server dumping its cache to the trace file

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00340: Trace file name is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00341: Trace file name is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00342: Log file name is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00343: Log file name is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00344: Save_config_on_stop is currently ON

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00345: Save_config_on_stop is currently OFF

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00346: Save_config_on_stop is now ON

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00347: Save_config_on_stop is now OFF

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00348: Server saving the config file now

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00349: Configuration will be saved in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00350: No save config currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00351: Scheduled configuration save to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00352: Cancelled save config

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00353: Not allowed

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00400: Response status:

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00401: Authoritative answer: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00402: Authoritative server: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00403: Number of answers: number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00404: TTL: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00405: Forwarding information:

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00406: Canonical name: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00407: Alias translations:

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00408: Answers:

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00409: data type is "string"

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00410: Average response time: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00411: Minimum response time: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00412: Number of requests: number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00413: Total response time: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00414: Maximum response time: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00415: Name: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00416: Last timestamp: number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00417: Distinguished Name: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00418: Attributes Mapped: number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

NNL-00500: Shows information on domains served by this server

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00501: set|show log_stats_interval [seconds] [<server_list>] :\nset|show the server's statistic counter logging interval

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00502: Shows, sets, or cancels when the server next dumps its statistic counters

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00503: repeat number command [args] : repeat a command number times

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00505: log_stats [<server_list>] : write Names server statistics to the log file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00506: reset_stats [<server_list>] : reset Names server statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00507: Shows, sets, or cancels the time when an auto-refresh query is next issued

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00508: show system_queries [<server_list>] : show system query information

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00509: set|show cache_checkpoint_interval [seconds] [<server_list>] :\nset|show the server's cache checkpoint interval

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00510: Adds a data record to an existing name

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00511: Shows or sets the server's system query authority requirements

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00512: Shows or sets the server's auto-refresh expiration period

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00513: Shows or sets the server's auto-refresh failure retry interval

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00514: Creates a new name with a default TTL

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00515: Deletes a name and its data

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00516: Displays complete server status

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00517: Insert-replaces a data item under an existing name

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00518: Shows or sets the maximum number of times a server can reforward a request

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00519: Shows, enables, or disables modification request processing

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00520: Changes an existing name's TTL

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00521: Shows or sets the server's system query forwarding requirements

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00522: Removes a data item from a name by value or by type

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00523: Renames an existing name

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00524: Replaces a data item with another data item

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00525: Shows or sets the server's default-forwarding status

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00526: Starts a server using a non-standard executable and optional arguments

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00527: Shows, sets, or cancels the time when the server next checkpoints its cache

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00528: [set] password password : set the password for subsequent calls

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00529: set|show default_domain [<domain_name>] : set|show the current default domain

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00530: quit|exit : exit the names control program

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00531: flush_name name :\nremoves a name from caches along a route to an authoritative server

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00532: set|show forwarding_available [<on|off>] [<server_list>] :\nenable, disable or show server request forwarding

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00533: ping [<server_list>] : ping one or more Names servers

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00534: query name [type] : query for a desired name and RR type

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00535: reload [<server_list>] : reload server cache data if there are changes

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00536: set|show requests_enabled [<on|off>] [<server_list>] :\nenable, disable or show server request processing

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00537: set|show server [<server_name>] : set|show the currently managed server

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00538: stop|shutdown [<server_list>] : stop one or more Names servers

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00539: start|startup [args] : start the Names server with optional arguments

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00540: [show] status [<server_list>] : display server status summary

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00541: set|show trace_level [level] [<server_list>] :\nset|show the server's tracing level

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00542: restart [<server_list>] : restart one or more Names servers

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00543: [show] version [<server_list>] :\nshow the name and version of one or more Names servers

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00544: Displays operations statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00545: Displays query request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00546: Displays delete request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00547: Displays rename request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00548: Displays update request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00549: Displays stream usage statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00550: flush [<server_list>] : flush one or more servers' cache(s)

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00551: Displays cache statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00553: Displays forwarding statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00555: Displays meta data statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00556: set|show reset_stats_interval [seconds] [<server_list>] :\nset|show server statistic counter reset interval

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00557: Causes the controller to sleep for N seconds

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00558: set|show namesctl_trace_level : set|show the controller's tracing level

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00559: Shows, sets, or cancels the time for the next cache dump to the trace file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00560: Shows or sets the server's request-processing delay

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00561: register name [-ttype] [-daddress] [-hhostname] [-l<listener_name>] :\nregister an object with Oracle Names

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00562: unregister name [-daddress] [-l<listener_name>] :\nunregister an object with Oracle Names

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00563: timed_query [timestamp] : query all objects in the Names server's cache

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00565: set trace_file_name [filename] [<server_list>] :\nset|show the server's trace file name

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00566: set|show log_file_name [filename] [<server_list>] :\nset|show the log file name on one or more servers

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00567: reorder_ns [<server_address>] : Generate the enhanced discovery file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00568: delegate_domain <domain_name> <NS_name> <NS_Addr> : Delegate the given domain to the given nameserver

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00569: domain_hint <domain_name> <NS_name> <NS_Addr> : Provide hint of a nameserver for a given domain

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00570: save_config [<server_list>] : saves server configuration to parameter file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00571: set|show save_config_on_stop [<on|off>]

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00572: set|show save_config_interval [seconds] [<server_list>] : set time of next config save

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00573: load_tnsnames [file, ... ] : load tnsnames into ONames

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00574: dump_tnsnames [file] : dump ONames addresses into tnsnames file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00575: list_objects: list all objects in a domain or subtree

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00576: list_delegated: list all delegated domains in the region or subtree

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00577: list_domains: list authoritative domains in the region or subtree

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00578: dump_ldap: dump addresses in the domain or region to LDAP

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00579: _scan: find objects/records matching the given types

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00580: register_ns: name server address domain

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00581: unregister_ns: name server domain

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00582: dump_alias: dump aliases in the domain or region to LDAP

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None

NNL-00800: Query requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00801: Queries received, type ANY: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00802: Queries received, type ADDRESS: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00803: Queries received, type ALIAS: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00804: Queries received, type META-DATA: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00805: Queries received, type NAME-SERVER: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00806: Queries received, type RELATED-INFO: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00807: Queries received, type SOA: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00808: Queries received, all user-defined types: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00809: Queries received, multiple types: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00810: Queries received with no type: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00811: Fastest query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00812: Slowest query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00813: Average query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00814: Total query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00830: Delete requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00831: Deletes refused, name is not a leaf name: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00832: Deletes refused, name is a topology name: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00833: Fastest delete processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00834: Slowest delete processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00835: Average delete processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00836: Total delete processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00850: Rename requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00851: Renames refused, name is not a leaf name: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00852: Renames refused, name is a topology name: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00853: Renames refused, new name already exists: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00854: Fastest rename processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00855: Slowest rename processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00856: Average rename processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00857: Total rename processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00870: Update requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00871: Updates refused, name is a topology name: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00872: Updates refused, data is topology data: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00873: Fastest update processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00874: Slowest update processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00875: Average update processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00876: Total update processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00890: Messages received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00891: Corrupted messages received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00892: Duplicate requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00893: Similar requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00894: Requests refused, permission denied: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00895: Requests refused, processing disabled: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00896: Requests refused, modifications disabled: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00897: Messages sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00898: Responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00899: OK responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00900: NO SUCH NAME responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00901: CONTENT ERROR responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00902: ALIAS LOOP responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00903: SERVER FAILURE responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00904: NAME EXISTS responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00905: NOT AUTHORITY responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00906: NOT A LEAF NAME responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00907: NOT ALLOWED responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00908: UNKNOWN TYPE responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00909: META VIOLATION responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00910: VERSION SKEW responses sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00911: Responses sent with invalid error code: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00912: Alias loops detected: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00913: Server-generated requests sent: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00914: Forwarding desired on server queries: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00915: Authority required on server queries: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00916: Modification requests enabled: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00917: Artificial request processing delay: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00918: Time until server restart: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00919: Time until server shutdown: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00920: Time until next config save: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00930: Requests refused, unknown data type: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00931: Requests refused, no cached meta-data: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00932: Requests refused, type syntax mismatch: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00933: Requests refused, OTHER-DATA violation: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00934: Requests refused, ALIAS-EXISTS violation: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00935: Requests refused, SINGLE-VALUE violation: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00936: Requests refused, DATA-EXISTS violation: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00950: Cache lookup requests: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00951: Names created on lookup: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00952: Cache lookup failures: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00953: Cache lookup exact matches: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00954: Hash tables created: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00955: Hash tables enlarged: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00956: Hash tables freed: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00957: Name nodes created: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00958: Name nodes freed: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00959: Time until cache dump to trace file: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00960: Time until cache flush: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00961: Cache checkpoints: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00962: Cache checkpoint failures: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00963: Timeouts, name TTL expired: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00970: System query index number: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00971: Query ID: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00972: Query next issued in: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00973: Query state: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00974: Name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00975: Desired data type: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00980: Forwarding failures: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00981: Timeouts, server not responding: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00982: Not forwarded, no servers found: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00983: Name-to-hint translations: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00984: Name-to-hint translations failed: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00985: Requests reforwarded using referrals: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00986: Reforwarded requests expired: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00987: Authoritative answers when authority: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00988: Non-authoritative NACKs received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00989: Objects received with no TTL: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None


Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00991: Maximum number of reforwards per request: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00992: Auto-refresh failure retry interval: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00993: Auto-refresh failure retry expiration: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00994: Responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00995: Unmatched responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00996: OK responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00997: NO SUCH NAME responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00998: CONTENT ERROR responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-00999: ALIAS LOOP responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01000: SERVER FAILURE responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01001: NAME EXISTS responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01002: NOT AUTHORITY responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01003: NON LEAF responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01004: NOT ALLOWED responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01005: UNKNOWN TYPE responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01006: META VIOLATION responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01007: VERSION SKEW responses received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01008: Outbound message contexts allocated: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01009: Outbound message contexts freed: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01010: Forwarding contexts allocated: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01011: Forwarding contexts freed: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01030: Domain index number: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01031: Name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01032: Minimum TTL: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01040: Data streams opened by server: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01041: Data stream open failures: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01042: Data streams answered by server: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01043: Data stream answer failures: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01044: Errors reading data stream: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01045: Errors writing data stream: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01050: Version banner is "string"\n

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01051: Server name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01052: Server has been running for: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01053: Request processing enabled: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01054: Request forwarding enabled: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01055: Requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01056: Requests forwarded: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01057: Foreign data items cached: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01058: Region data next checked for reload in: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01059: Region data reload check failures: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01060: Cache next checkpointed in: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01061: Cache checkpoint interval: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01062: Cache checkpoint file name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01063: Statistic counters next reset in: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01064: Statistic counter reset interval: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01065: Statistic counters next logged in: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01066: Statistic counter logging interval: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01067: Trace level: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01068: Trace file name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01069: Log file name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01070: System parameter file name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01071: Command-line parameter file name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01072: Administrative region name: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01073: Administrative region description: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01074: ApplTable Index: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01075: Contact string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01076: Operational Status number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01077: Save Config on Stop string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None

NNL-01078: Access/Create File Error : string

Cause: Failed to access/create named file or its backup File due to incorrect permissions

Action: Provide correct access to file.