Description of the illustration view_album.gif

This is a text description of view_album.gif.

This is a screen capture of the Oracle interMedia PL/SQL Web Toolkit Photo Album Demo application View album Web page. This Web page includes navigation links to the Search metadata and Upload photo Web pages, which are also included in the Oracle interMedia PL/SQL Web Toolkit Photo Album Demo application. This Web page also includes an entry field labeled Full text search: where you can enter text for a full text search as well as a button labeled Search, which you can click to start the search operation. Below the Full text search: field, there is a horizontal line. Below that line, the following message is displayed: "Select the thumb-nail to view the full size image. Select the description link to view image metadata." Below that message, the contents of the photo album are displayed as thumbnail images in four-column format. You can select a thumbnail image to display the full-sized version. Below each thumbnail image, there is a description link that you can use to display the metadata for that image.