Add(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object)

This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, size, direction, null indicator, precision, scale, source column, source version, and parameter value.


// C#
public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType, int size,
    ParameterDirection dir, bool isNullable, byte precision, 
    byte scale, string srcColumn, DataRowVersion version, object val);


  • name

    The parameter name.

  • dbType

    The data type of the OracleParameter.

  • size

    The size of OracleParameter.

  • dir

    The ParameterDirection value.

  • isNullable

    An indicator that specifies if the parameter value can be null.

  • precision

    The precision of the parameter value.

  • scale

    The scale of the parameter value.

  • srcColumn

    The name of the source column.

  • version

    The DataRowVersion value.

  • val

    The parameter value.

Return Value

The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection.


ArgumentException - The type of supplied val does not belong to the type of Value property in any of the ODP.NET Types.