
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • ADVISOR privilege 1
  • aggregate functions 1
  • aggregation
    • average operator 1
    • calculated measures 1
    • definition 1
    • hierarchical average operator 1
    • over attributes 1
    • sum operator 1
    • weighted operators 1
  • aggregation operators 1, 2, 3
  • aggregation order 1
  • aggregation percentages 1
  • aggregation step (cube scripts) 1
  • ALL_AW_OBJ view 1
  • ALL_AW_PROP view 1
  • ALL_AW_PS view 1
  • analysis tools 1
  • analytic functions 1, 2
  • Analytic Workspace Manager
    • configuring 1, 2, 3, 4
    • installing 1
    • opening 1
    • using 1
  • analytic workspaces
    • backing up and recovering 1
    • creating 1
    • database storage 1
    • disk space consumption 1
    • enhancing functionality 1
    • identifying owners 1
    • listing 1
    • saving and re-creating 1
    • size 1
  • analytic workspace security 1, 2
  • analyze step (cube scripts) 1
  • Application Express 1, 2
  • arithmetic operations 1
  • attachment modes
    • configuring 1
    • selecting 1
    • showing 1
  • attribute aggregation 1
  • attributes
    • creating 1
    • defined 1, 2
  • authentication 1
  • Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor 1
  • Automatic Storage Management 1
  • Automatic Workload Repository 1
  • average
    • cumulative 1
    • moving 1
  • AVERAGE_RANK function 1
  • average operator (aggregation) 1
  • average rank 1
  • AVG function 1


  • backup and recovery 1
  • backup options 1
  • batch processing 1
  • bind variables 1, 2, 3, 4
  • BI Publisher 1
  • BI Suite 1
  • branches (Application Express) 1
  • build logs 1
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise 1


  • calculated measures
    • and measure dimensions 1
    • copying and pasting 1
    • creating 1
    • defined 1
    • generator 1
  • calculations
    • free-form 1
    • in queries 1
    • nested 1
    • time ranges 1
  • calculation templates 1, 2
  • changes, saving 1
  • character functions 1
  • clear data step (cube scripts) 1
  • CLEAR LEAVES command 1
  • Cloud Control 1
  • Cognos ReportNet 1
  • column links 1
  • configuring
    • partitioning options 1
  • configuring Analytic Workspace Manager
    • for a proxy server 1
    • for partitioning options 1
    • for plug-ins 1
    • for showing attachment modes 1
  • connections, defining 1
  • connect string, for Analytic Workspace Manager 1
  • COUNT function 1
  • CREATE ANY DIMENSION privilege 1
  • CREATE DIMENSION privilege 1
  • CREATE SESSION privilege 1
  • creation dates of analytic workspaces 1
  • CUBE_TABLE function 1
  • CUBE_TEMPLATES table 1
  • cube materialized views 1, 2
  • cubes
    • copying and pasting 1
    • creating 1
    • defined 1, 2
    • joining 1
    • mapping 1
    • partitioning 1
    • requirements for materialized views 1
    • saving and re-creating 1
  • CUBE SCAN operation 1
  • cube scripts 1
  • cube security 1
  • cube views 1, 2
  • cumulative calculations 1
  • cursors 1


  • dashboard 1
  • database connections, defining 1
  • database integration 1
  • database security 1
  • data dictionary views 1, 2
  • data display 1, 2
  • data loads 1, 2
  • data maintenance 1
  • data model
    • description of dimensional 1
    • designing 1
    • saving 1
  • Data Pump 1
  • data security 1
    • disabling and enabling 1
    • implementation 1
    • policies 1
    • roles 1
  • data sources
    • database objects 1
    • mapping 1, 2
  • DBA_AW_OBJ view 1
  • DBA_AW_PROP view 1
  • DBA_AW_PS view 1
  • DBA_AWS view 1
  • DBA_OBJECTS view 1
  • DBA_REGISTRY view 1
  • DBA scripts download 1
  • DBMS_AW_STATS PL/SQL package 1
  • DBMS_CUBE PL/SQL package 1
  • DBMS_LOB PL/SQL package 1
  • DBMS_METADATA PL/SQL package 1
  • DBMS_MVIEW PL/SQL package 1
  • DBMS_SCHEDULER PL/SQL package. 1
  • DBMS_XPLAN PL/SQL package 1
  • dense rank 1
  • dimension hierarchies
    • See hierarchies 1
  • dimension object security 1
  • dimension order, affecting aggregation 1
  • dimensions
    • copying and pasting 1
    • creating 1
    • defined 1, 2
    • saving and re-creating 1
    • viewing members 1
  • dimension security 1
  • dimension views 1
  • Discoverer Plus OLAP 1
  • disks, spreading data across 1
  • disk space consumption 1
  • displaying data 1
  • drillable reports 1
  • drilling 1, 2
  • drilling (Application Express) 1
  • dump files 1
  • dynamic performance tables 1


  • edits, saving 1
  • EIF files
    • about 1
    • creating analytic workspaces from 1
    • saving analytic workspaces to 1
  • end date attributes 1
  • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 1
  • execution plans 1
  • EXP_FULL_DATABASE privilege 1
  • EXPLAIN PLAN command 1
  • extensibility using plug-ins 1


  • FAST SOLVE method 1
  • filtering queries 1
  • free-form calculations 1
  • future periods 1


  • generator, calculated measures 1
  • Global Computing Company
    • data requirements 1
  • GLOBAL QUERY REWRITE privilege 1
  • Global schema download 1
  • Gregorian calendar 1


  • hidden items (Application Express) 1
  • HIER_PARENT function 1
  • hierarchical average operator (aggregation) 1
  • hierarchical operators 1
  • hierarchical queries 1
  • hierarchies
    • creating 1
    • defined 1, 2
    • level-based 1
    • supported types 1
  • hierarchy views 1


  • index 1
  • init.ora file 1
  • initialization parameters 1
  • installing Analytic Workspace Manager 1
  • installing OLAP option, validation 1
  • integration in database 1


  • JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter 1
  • joining cubes 1


  • LAG function 1
  • language support 1
  • layout template (BI Publisher) 1
  • LEAD function 1
  • level-based dimensions 1
  • level-based hierarchy 1
  • levels
    • creating 1
    • defined 1
  • loading data 1, 2
  • load step (cube scripts) 1
  • localization 1
  • login names 1
  • LOVs (list of values) 1, 2


  • maintenance alternatives 1
  • maintenance scripts 1
  • Maintenance Wizard 1, 2
  • mappings
    • cube 1
    • dimension 1
  • materialized views
    • access privileges 1
    • creating cube 1
    • refresh logs 1
  • MAX function 1
  • maximum
    • cumulative 1
    • moving 1
  • measure dimensions
    • aggregation method of cube 1
    • and calculated measures 1
    • mapping 1
  • measure dimension table
    • mapping dimension to 1
  • measure folders
    • creating 1
    • saving and re-creating 1
  • measures
    • copying and pasting 1
    • creating 1
    • defined 1
  • MIN function 1
  • minimum
    • cumulative 1
    • moving 1
  • moving calculations 1


  • natural keys 1
  • nested calculations 1
  • NO_USE_CUBE hint 1
  • normal hierarchies 1


  • objects
    • copying and pasting 1
    • mapping 1, 2
    • saving and re-creating 1
  • object security 1, 2, 3
  • OLAP_DBA role 1
  • OLAP_USER role 1
  • OLAP_XS_ADMIN role 1, 2
  • OLAP data security roles 1
    • calculated measures 1
    • expressions for data security policies 1
  • OLAP DML step (cube scripts) 1
  • OLAP option, verifying installation 1
  • optimizer statistics 1
  • Oracle Application Express 1
  • OracleBI Discoverer Plus OLAP 1
  • OracleBI Spreadsheet Add-In 1
  • OracleBI Suite Enterprise Edition 1
  • Oracle Business Intelligence 1
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters 1, 2
  • Oracle Real Application Security 1, 2
  • Oracle Recovery Manager 1
  • owners of analytic workspaces, identifying 1


  • page definition (Application Express) 1
  • parallel periods 1
  • parallel processing 1
  • parameter file 1
  • parent-child relations 1
  • partitioning
    • analyzing partition members 1
    • benefits 1
    • cubes 1
    • discussed 1
    • selecting partitions 1
  • performance counters 1
  • period to date 1
  • pfile settings 1
  • PL/SQL step (cube scripts) 1
  • plug-ins
    • configuring 1
    • installing 1
  • prior periods 1
  • privileges 1
  • proxy server
    • configuring 1


  • queries, filtering 1
  • querying dimensions and cubes 1
  • query rewrite 1
  • query tools 1


  • RAC
    • See: Oracle Real Application Clusters
  • ragged hierarchies 1
  • rank 1
  • Real Application Clusters
    • See: Oracle Real Application Clusters
  • refresh logs 1
  • refresh methods 1, 2
  • Relational Schema Advisor 1, 2
  • report entry (BI Publisher) 1
  • report layout (BI Publisher) 1
  • reports 1
  • RMAN 1


  • sample schema download 1
  • saving
    • analytic workspaces to EIF files 1
    • objects
      • to XML Templates 1
  • scaled operators 1
  • scheduling maintenance 1
  • security 1
    • See also: data security
    • about 1
    • data 1
    • materialized views 1
    • object 1
  • server parameter file 1
  • SESSIONS parameter 1
  • share 1
  • single-row functions 1
  • size of analytic workspace 1
  • skip-level hierarchies 1
  • source data 1
  • Spreadsheet Add-In 1
  • static data dictionary views 1, 2
  • step types 1
  • SUM function 1
  • sum operator (aggregation) 1
  • surrogate keys 1
  • system tables 1


  • tablespaces 1
  • templates
    • BI Publisher 1
    • calculation 1
    • creating XML 1
    • saving object definitions to 1
  • time dimensions 1
  • time ranges in calculations 1
  • time span attributes 1
  • total
    • cumulative 1
    • moving 1
  • transportable tablespaces 1


  • unique key attributes 1
  • upgrading metadata 1
  • USE_CUBE hint 1
  • USER_AW_OBJ view 1
  • USER_AW_PROP view 1
  • USER_AW_PS view 1
  • USER_MVIEWS view 1
  • user names 1


  • value-based dimensions 1
  • value-based hierarchies 1


  • weighted operators 1
  • weighted sum (aggregation) 1
  • WHERE clause operations 1


  • XML templates
    • about 1
    • creating objects from 1
    • saving object definitions to 1