Plugging in the Earlier Release PDB to the Later Release CDB

To Plug the PDB from the earlier release CDB to the later release CDB, use the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE command.

This procedure example shows how to plug in a PDB when you are using Oracle-Managed Files. Refer to Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for additional information about plugging in PDBs.

  1. Connect to the later release CDB.

  2. Plug in the earlier release PDB using the following SQL command, where pdb is the name of the PDB, and path is the path where the PDB XML file is located:


    For example:

    SQL> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE salespdb USING '/home/oracle/salespdb.xml';

    The following response displays when the command is completed:

    Pluggable database created.


When you plug in an earlier release PDB, the PDB is in restricted mode. You can only open the PDB for upgrade.