Description of the illustration run_addm_now_results.gif

The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) page is shown.

A label-value pair is at the top right of the page. The label is Page Refreshed and the value is Jan 29, 2012 1:30:13 AM PST. The Refresh button is to the right of the value.

The Database Activity section has the Run ADDM and Finding History on the right. Below that button is the text, "The icon selected below the graph identifies the ADDM analysis period. Click on a different icon to select a different analysis period."

The section has a line chart. The y-axis units are average active sessions and range from 0 to 7.5. The x-axis units are times of day, shown in 15-minute intervals, and range from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Waits peaked significantly between 10 and 11. Below the chart is a series of task icons. Below them is the text, "Tip For an explanation of the icons and symbols used in this page, see the Icon Key." The words "Icon Key" are a link.

The ADDM Performance Analysis section is shown. It has a label-value pair. The label is Task Name and the value is ADDM:399937146_1_416. On the right are three buttons: Filters, View Snapshots, and View Report.

Below the buttons are four label-value pairs. The labels and values are the following:

Below the buttons is a table that has the following columns: Impact (%), Finding, Occurrences (24 hrs ending with analysis period). The values in the Finding and Occurrences columns are links. The table shows one row. The values in the row are the following: 97.1, Top SQL Statements, 18 of 22.

End of description.