Description of the illustration image010.gif

The illustration shows the values in the select desriptor after the DESCRIBE. They have the follwing values in order: SELN has a value of 3, SELF has a value of 3, set by DESCRIBE. SELS has three cells containing the addresses of SELSB(1), SELSB(2), and SELSB(3). SELM has three cells, each with a value of 5. SELC has three cells containing the values 5, 5, and 4, set by DESCRIBE. SELV has three cells containing the addresses of SELVB(1), SELVB(2), and SELVB(3). SELL has three cells containing 10 in the first cell, and binary numbers in the other two, all set by DESCRIBE. SELT has three cells containing values 1, 2, and 2, set by DESCRIBE. SELI has three cells containing the addresses of SELIV(1), SELIV(2), and SELIV(3). There are also three data buffers which are addressed by the descriptor values. SELSB is an array for names of select-list items, and it has three rows and five columns. The DESCRIBE has put the letters E, N, A, M, and E into the first row, E, M, P, N, and O into the second row, and C, O, M, and M into the third row. SELVB is an array for values of select list items, and it has three rows and 10 columns. SELIV is an array for values of indicators, and it has three rows and one column.