This illustration describes execution flow in DBMS_SQL that begins with "open_cursor" and ends with "close_cursor".
The key to the symbols used:
... -> denotes "continue to next step", for example "open cursor" -> "PARSE"
... material enclosed in double quotation marks denotes an action, for example "PARSE"
... material enclosed in single quotation marks denotes a choice point, for example 'Use bind variables': Yes/No
"open_cursor" -> "PARSE" -> Choice point: 'Use bind variables': Yes/No
'Use bind variables': Yes/No ...Yes -> "bind variable" (option to repeat) -> Choice point: 'query' ->
'Use bind variables': Yes/No ...No -> Choice point: 'query' ->
Choice point: 'query': Yes/No
Choice point: 'query': Yes/No ...Yes -> "DEFINE_COLUMN
" (option to repeat) -> "EXECUTE" -> "FETCH_ROWS
" -> "column_value, variable_value" (option to repeat) -> option to loop back to "EXECUTE", option to loop back to "fetch_rows",
option to loop back to "PARSE", option to loop back to 'Use bind variables', option to loop back to 'query' -> "close_cursor"
Choice point: query Yes/No ...No -> "EXECUTE" -> Choice point: pl/sql block(s): Yes/No
Choice point: pl/sql block(s): Yes/No ...Yes -> Choice point: 'Use variable values': Yes/No
Choice point: 'Use variable values': Yes/No ... Yes -> "variable_value" (option to repeat) -> option to loop back to "PARSE", option to loop back to 'Use bind variables', option to loop back to 'query' -> close_cursor
Choice point: 'Use variable values': Yes/No ... No -> option to loop back to "PARSE", option to loop back to 'Use bind variables', option to loop back to 'query' -> close_cursor
Choice point: pl/sql block(s): Yes/No ...No -> option to loop back to "PARSE", option to loop back to 'Use bind variables', option to loop back to 'query' -> close_cursor