2.5.1 Starting and Stopping the Daemon

Start and stop the daemon and force the daemon to stop a health check run.

To start and stop the daemon:

  1. To start the daemon, use the –d start option as follows:
    $ ./orachk –d start
    $ ./exachk –d start

    The tools prompt you to provide required information during startup.

  2. To stop the daemon, use the –d stop option as follows:
    $ ./orachk –d stop
    $ ./exachk –d stop

    If a health check run is progress when you run the stop command, then the daemon indicates so and continues running.

  3. To force the daemon to stop a health check run, use the –d stop_client option:
    $ ./orachk –d stop_client
    $ ./exachk –d stop_client
The daemon stops the health check run and then confirms when it is done. If necessary, stop the daemon using the –d stop option.