Table of Contents
- List of Tables
- Title and Copyright Information
- Preface
- Changes in This Release for Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide
Introduction to Oracle Clusterware
- Overview of Oracle Clusterware
- Understanding System Requirements for Oracle Clusterware
- Overview of Oracle Clusterware Platform-Specific Software Components
- High Availability Options for Oracle Database
- Overview of Installing Oracle Clusterware
- Overview of Upgrading and Patching Oracle Clusterware
- Overview of Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
- Overview of Domain Services Clusters
- Overview of Managing Oracle Clusterware Environments
- Overview of Command Evaluation
- Overview of Cloning and Extending Oracle Clusterware in Grid Environments
- Overview of the Oracle Clusterware High Availability Framework and APIs
- Overview of Cluster Time Management
Oracle Clusterware Configuration and Administration
- Role-Separated Management
- Configuring Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Grid Setup Wizard
- Server Weight-Based Node Eviction
- Overview of Oracle Database Quality of Service Management
- Overview of Grid Naming Service
Administering Grid Naming Service
- Configuring Highly-Available GNS
- Removing Primary and Secondary GNS Instances
- Starting and Stopping GNS with SRVCTL
- Converting Clusters to GNS Server or GNS Client Clusters
- Moving GNS to Another Cluster
- Changing the GNS Subdomain when Moving from IPv4 to IPv6 Network
- Rolling Conversion from DNS to GNS Cluster Name Resolution
- Node Failure Isolation
- Understanding Network Addresses on Manually Configured Networks
- Configuring Shared Single Client Access Names
Changing Network Addresses on Manually Configured Systems
- Changing the Virtual IP Addresses Using SRVCTL
- Changing Oracle Clusterware Private Network Configuration
- Creating a Network Using SRVCTL
- Network Address Configuration in a Cluster
- Changing Static IPv4 Addresses To Static IPv6 Addresses Using SRVCTL
- Changing Dynamic IPv4 Addresses To Dynamic IPv6 Addresses Using SRVCTL
- Changing an IPv4 Network to an IPv4 and IPv6 Network
- Transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6 Networks for VIP Addresses Using SRVCTL
- Cross-Cluster Dependency Proxies
Policy-Based Cluster and Capacity Management
- Overview of Server Pools and Policy-Based Management
- Overview of Server Categorization
- Overview of Cluster Configuration Policies and the Policy Set
- Load-Aware Resource Placement
- Server Configuration and Server State Attributes
- Server Category Attributes
- An Example Policy Set Configuration
- 4 Oracle Flex Clusters
Managing Oracle Cluster Registry and Voting Files
Managing Oracle Cluster Registry and Oracle Local Registry
- Migrating Oracle Cluster Registry to Oracle Automatic Storage Management
- Adding, Replacing, Repairing, and Removing Oracle Cluster Registry Locations
- Backing Up Oracle Cluster Registry
- Restoring Oracle Cluster Registry
- Diagnosing Oracle Cluster Registry Problems
- Administering Oracle Cluster Registry with Export and Import Commands
- Oracle Local Registry
- Upgrading and Downgrading the Oracle Cluster Registry Configuration
- Managing Voting Files
Managing Oracle Cluster Registry and Oracle Local Registry
- 6 Adding and Deleting Cluster Nodes
Cloning Oracle Clusterware
- Introduction to Cloning Oracle Clusterware
- Preparing the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home for Cloning
- Creating a Cluster by Cloning Oracle Clusterware
- Using Cloning to Add Nodes to a Cluster
- Locating and Viewing Log Files Generated During Cloning
Making Applications Highly Available Using Oracle Clusterware
- Oracle Clusterware Resources and Agents
- Overview of Using Oracle Clusterware to Enable High Availability
- Registering an Application as a Resource
- Managing Resources
- Managing Automatic Restart of Oracle Clusterware Resources
Cluster Verification Utility Reference
- About Cluster Verification Utility
Cluster Verification Utility Command Reference
- cluvfy comp acfs
- cluvfy comp admprv
- cluvfy comp asm
- cluvfy comp baseline
- cluvfy comp clocksync
- cluvfy comp clu
- cluvfy comp clumgr
- cluvfy comp containerhost
- cluvfy comp crs
- cluvfy comp dhcp
- cluvfy comp dns
- cluvfy comp freespace
- cluvfy comp gns
- cluvfy comp gpnp
- cluvfy comp ha
- cluvfy comp healthcheck
- cluvfy comp nodeapp
- cluvfy comp nodecon
- cluvfy comp nodereach
- cluvfy comp ocr
- cluvfy comp ohasd
- cluvfy comp olr
- cluvfy comp peer
- cluvfy comp scan
- cluvfy comp software
- cluvfy comp space
- cluvfy comp ssa
- cluvfy comp sys
- cluvfy comp vdisk
- cluvfy comp vital
- cluvfy stage acfscfg
- cluvfy stage appcluster
- cluvfy stage cfs
- cluvfy stage crsinst
- cluvfy stage dbcfg
- cluvfy stage -pre dbinst
- cluvfy stage hacfg
- cluvfy stage hwos
- cluvfy stage nodeadd
- cluvfy stage nodedel
- cluvfy stage osupg
- cluvfy stage patch
- Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Output for CVU
Oracle Clusterware Resource Reference
Resource Attributes
Configurable Resource Attributes
- Read-Only Resource Attributes
- Deprecated Resource Attributes
Configurable Resource Attributes
- Examples of Action Scripts for Third-party Applications
Resource Attributes
- C OLSNODES Command Reference
- D Oracle Interface Configuration Tool (OIFCFG) Command Reference
Oracle Clusterware Control (CRSCTL) Utility Reference
- CRSCTL Overview
Dual Environment CRSCTL Commands
- crsctl check css
- crsctl check evm
- crsctl get hostname
- crsctl add resource
- crsctl delete resource
- crsctl eval add resource
- crsctl eval fail resource
- crsctl eval relocate resource
- crsctl eval modify resource
- crsctl eval start resource
- crsctl eval stop resource
- crsctl getperm resource
- crsctl modify resource
- crsctl relocate resource
- crsctl restart resource
- crsctl setperm resource
- crsctl start resource
- crsctl status resource
- crsctl stop resource
- crsctl add resourcegroup
- crsctl check resourcegroup
- crsctl delete resourcegroup
- crsctl eval add resourcegroup
- crsctl eval fail resourcegroup
- crsctl eval relocate resourcegroup
- crsctl eval start resourcegroup
- crsctl eval stop resourcegroup
- crsctl export resourcegroup
- crsctl modify resourcegroup
- crsctl relocate resourcegroup
- crsctl restart resourcegroup
- crsctl start resourcegroup
- crsctl status resourcegroup
- crsctl stop resourcegroup
- crsctl add resourcegrouptype
- crsctl delete resourcegrouptype
- crsctl modify resourcegrouptype
- crsctl get tracefileopts
- crsctl set tracefileopts
- crsctl add type
- crsctl delete type
- crsctl getperm type
- crsctl modify type
- crsctl setperm type
- crsctl status type
Oracle RAC Environment CRSCTL Commands
- crsctl request action
- crsctl add category
- crsctl delete category
- crsctl modify category
- crsctl status category
- crsctl check cluster
- crsctl start cluster
- crsctl stop cluster
- crsctl get cluster class
- crsctl get cluster configuration
- crsctl set cluster disabledtlsciphersuite
- crsctl get cluster extended
- crsctl get cluster hubsize
- crsctl set cluster hubsize
- crsctl get cluster mode
- crsctl set cluster mode
- crsctl get cluster name
- crsctl add cluster site
- crsctl delete cluster site
- crsctl modify cluster site
- crsctl query cluster site
- crsctl get cluster tlsciphersuite
- crsctl get cluster type
- crsctl set cluster type
- crsctl get cpu equivalency
- crsctl set cpu equivalency
- crsctl check crs
- crsctl config crs
- crsctl disable crs
- crsctl enable crs
- crsctl start crs
- crsctl stop crs
- crsctl query crs activeversion
- crsctl add crs administrator
- crsctl delete crs administrator
- crsctl query crs administrator
- crsctl query crs autostart
- crsctl set crs autostart
- crsctl query crs releasepatch
- crsctl query crs releaseversion
- crsctl query crs site
- crsctl query crs softwarepatch
- crsctl query crs softwareversion
- crsctl get css
- crsctl pin css
- crsctl set css
- crsctl unpin css
- crsctl unset css
- crsctl get css ipmiaddr
- crsctl set css ipmiaddr
- crsctl set css ipmiadmin
- crsctl query css ipmiconfig
- crsctl unset css ipmiconfig
- crsctl query css ipmidevice
- crsctl get css noautorestart
- crsctl set css noautorestart
- crsctl add css votedisk
- crsctl delete css votedisk
- crsctl query css votedisk
- crsctl check ctss
- crsctl discover dhcp
- crsctl get clientid dhcp
- crsctl release dhcp
- crsctl request dhcp
- crsctl replace discoverystring
- crsctl query dns
- crsctl start ip
- crsctl status ip
- crsctl stop ip
- crsctl lsmodules
- crsctl create member_cluster_configuration
- crsctl delete member_cluster_configuration
- crsctl query member_cluster_configuration
- crsctl delete node
- crsctl get nodename
- crsctl get node role
- crsctl add policy
- crsctl delete policy
- crsctl eval activate policy
- crsctl modify policy
- crsctl status policy
- crsctl create policyset
- crsctl modify policyset
- crsctl status policyset
- crsctl check resource
- crsctl relocate resource
- crsctl get resource use
- crsctl set resource use
- crsctl start rollingpatch
- crsctl stop rollingpatch
- crsctl start rollingupgrade
- crsctl eval add server
- crsctl eval delete server
- crsctl eval relocate server
- crsctl modify server
- crsctl relocate server
- crsctl status server
- crsctl get server css_critical
- crsctl set server css_critical
- crsctl get server label
- crsctl set server label
- crsctl add serverpool
- crsctl delete serverpool
- crsctl eval add serverpool
- crsctl eval delete serverpool
- crsctl eval modify serverpool
- crsctl getperm serverpool
- crsctl modify serverpool
- crsctl setperm serverpool
- crsctl status serverpool
- crsctl query socket udp
- crsctl start testdns
- crsctl status testdns
- crsctl stop testdns
- crsctl replace votedisk
- crsctl add wallet
- crsctl delete wallet
- crsctl modify wallet
- crsctl query wallet
- Oracle Restart Environment CRSCTL Commands
- Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Output
Server Control (SRVCTL) Command Reference
- SRVCTL Usage Information
- Specifying Command Parameters as Keywords Instead of Single Letters
- Character Set and Case Sensitivity of SRVCTL Object Values
- Using SRVCTL Help
- SRVCTL Privileges and Security
- Additional SRVCTL Topics
- Deprecated SRVCTL Subprograms or Commands
SRVCTL Command Reference
- srvctl config all
- srvctl add asm
- srvctl config asm
- srvctl disable asm
- srvctl enable asm
- srvctl getenv asm
- srvctl modify asm
- srvctl predict asm
- srvctl relocate asm
- srvctl remove asm
- srvctl setenv asm
- srvctl start asm
- srvctl status asm
- srvctl stop asm
- srvctl unsetenv asm
- srvctl add asmnetwork
- srvctl config asmnetwork
- srvctl modify asmnetwork
- srvctl remove asmnetwork
- srvctl add cdp
- srvctl disable cdp
- srvctl enable cdp
- srvctl modify cdp
- srvctl relocate cdp
- srvctl remove cdp
- srvctl start cdp
- srvctl status cdp
- srvctl stop cdp
- srvctl add cdpproxy
- srvctl config cdpproxy
- srvctl disable cdpproxy
- srvctl enable cdpproxy
- srvctl modify cdpproxy
- srvctl relocate cdpproxy
- srvctl remove cdpproxy
- srvctl start cdpproxy
- srvctl status cdpproxy
- srvctl stop cdpproxy
- srvctl add cvu
- srvctl config cvu
- srvctl disable cvu
- srvctl enable cvu
- srvctl modify cvu
- srvctl relocate cvu
- srvctl remove cvu
- srvctl start cvu
- srvctl status cvu
- srvctl stop cvu
- srvctl add exportfs
- srvctl config exportfs
- srvctl disable exportfs
- srvctl enable exportfs
- srvctl modify exportfs
- srvctl remove exportfs
- srvctl start exportfs
- srvctl status exportfs
- srvctl stop exportfs
- srvctl add filesystem
- srvctl config filesystem
- srvctl disable filesystem
- srvctl enable filesystem
- srvctl modify filesystem
- srvctl predict filesystem
- srvctl remove filesystem
- srvctl start filesystem
- srvctl status filesystem
- srvctl stop filesystem
- srvctl add gns
- srvctl config gns
- srvctl disable gns
- srvctl enable gns
- srvctl export gns
- srvctl import gns
- srvctl modify gns
- srvctl relocate gns
- srvctl remove gns
- srvctl start gns
- srvctl status gns
- srvctl stop gns
- srvctl update gns
- srvctl add havip
- srvctl config havip
- srvctl disable havip
- srvctl enable havip
- srvctl modify havip
- srvctl relocate havip
- srvctl remove havip
- srvctl start havip
- srvctl status havip
- srvctl stop havip
- srvctl add ioserver
- srvctl config ioserver
- srvctl disable ioserver
- srvctl enable ioserver
- srvctl getenv ioserver
- srvctl modify ioserver
- srvctl relocate ioserver
- srvctl remove ioserver
- srvctl setenv ioserver
- srvctl start ioserver
- srvctl status ioserver
- srvctl stop ioserver
- srvctl unsetenv ioserver
- srvctl add mgmtdb
- srvctl config mgmtdb
- srvctl disable mgmtdb
- srvctl enable mgmtdb
- srvctl getenv mgmtdb
- srvctl modify mgmtdb
- srvctl relocate mgmtdb
- srvctl remove mgmtdb
- srvctl setenv mgmtdb
- srvctl start mgmtdb
- srvctl status mgmtdb
- srvctl stop mgmtdb
- srvctl unsetenv mgmtdb
- srvctl add mgmtlsnr
- srvctl config mgmtlsnr
- srvctl disable mgmtlsnr
- srvctl enable mgmtlsnr
- srvctl getenv mgmtlsnr
- srvctl modify mgmtlsnr
- srvctl remove mgmtlsnr
- srvctl setenv mgmtlsnr
- srvctl start mgmtlsnr
- srvctl status mgmtlsnr
- srvctl stop mgmtlsnr
- srvctl unsetenv mgmtlsnr
- srvctl add mountfs
- srvctl config mountfs
- srvctl disable mountfs
- srvctl enable mountfs
- srvctl modify mountfs
- srvctl remove mountfs
- srvctl start mountfs
- srvctl status mountfs
- srvctl stop mountfs
- srvctl add ovmm
- srvctl config ovmm
- srvctl modify ovmm
- srvctl remove ovmm
- srvctl add qosmserver
- srvctl config qosmserver
- srvctl disable qosmserver
- srvctl enable qosmserver
- srvctl modify qosmserver
- srvctl predict qosmserver
- srvctl relocate qosmserver
- srvctl remove qosmserver
- srvctl start qosmserver
- srvctl status qosmserver
- srvctl stop qosmserver
- srvctl add rhpclient
- srvctl config rhpclient
- srvctl disable rhpclient
- srvctl enable rhpclient
- srvctl modify rhpclient
- srvctl relocate rhpclient
- srvctl remove rhpclient
- srvctl start rhpclient
- srvctl status rhpclient
- srvctl stop rhpclient
- srvctl add rhpserver
- srvctl config rhpserver
- srvctl disable rhpserver
- srvctl enable rhpserver
- srvctl modify rhpserver
- srvctl relocate rhpserver
- srvctl remove rhpserver
- srvctl start rhpserver
- srvctl status rhpserver
- srvctl stop rhpserver
- srvctl add vm
- srvctl check vm
- srvctl config vm
- srvctl disable vm
- srvctl enable vm
- srvctl modify vm
- srvctl relocate vm
- srvctl remove vm
- srvctl start vm
- srvctl status vm
- srvctl stop vm
Oracle Clusterware Agent Framework C Application Program Interfaces
- Agent Framework Data Types
- Agent Framework Context Initialization and Persistence
- Prototype for C and C++ Entry Point Functions
- C and C++ Entry Point Types and Codes
- C and C++ Entry Point Function Return Values
- Multithreading Considerations
- Deprecated APIs
API Reference
- clsagfw_add_type()
- clsagfw_check_resource()
- clsagfw_create_attr_iterator()
- clsagfw_delete_cookie()
- clsagfw_exit2()
- clsagfw_get_attr_from_iterator()
- clsagfw_get_attrvalue()
- clsagfw_get_check_type()
- clsagfw_get_cmdid()
- clsagfw_get_cookie()
- clsagfw_get_request_action_name()
- clsagfw_get_resource_id()
- clsagfw_get_resource_name()
- clsagfw_get_retry_count()
- clsagfw_get_type_name()
- clsagfw_init()
- clsagfw_is_cmd_timedout()
- clsagfw_log()
- clsagfw_modify_attribute()
- clsagfw_reset_attr_iterator()
- clsagfw_send_status2()
- clsagfw_set_cookie()
- clsagfw_set_entrypoint()
- clsagfw_set_exitcb()
- clsagfw_set_resource_state_label()
- clsagfw_startup()
- Agent Example
Oracle Clusterware C Application Program Interfaces
- About the Programming Interface (C API) to Oracle Clusterware
- Interactive CLSCRS APIs
- Non-Interactive CLSCRS APIs
Command Evaluation APIs
- clscrs_whatif_set_activepolicy
- clscrs_whatif_fail_resource
- clscrs_whatif_register_resource
- clscrs_whatif_relocate_resource
- clscrs_whatif_start_resource
- clscrs_whatif_stop_resource
- clscrs_whatif_register_serverpool
- clscrs_whatif_unregister_serverpool
- clscrs_whatif_add_server
- clscrs_whatif_delete_server
- clscrs_whatif_relocate_server
- Server Categorization APIs
- Miscellaneous APIs
- I Oracle Cluster Registry Utility Reference
- J Troubleshooting Oracle Clusterware
- Glossary
- Index