Adding a Remote Repository to an Existing Cluster

Complete this procedure to add a remote repository to an Oracle Standalone Cluster that was initially configured without a GIMR.

  1. As the grid user on the Oracle Standalone Cluster to which you want to add a GIMR, get the cluster Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).
    $ Grid_home/bin/crsctl get css clusterguid
  2. As the grid user on the GIMR node of the Oracle Domain Services Cluster, create a repository for the Oracle Standalone Cluster and generate the client data file.
    $ Grid_home/bin/mgmtca createRepos -clientDataFile client_data_file_location -clusterName standalone_cluster_name 
    -guid standalone_cluster_guid [-version standalone_cluster_version]
  3. Copy the client data file from the Oracle Domain Services Cluster to the Oracle Standalone Cluster.
  4. As the grid user on the Oracle Standalone Cluster, configure the remote repository.
    $ Grid_home/bin/mgmtca configRepos deploySchema -clientDataFile client_data_file_location
  5. Restart the ora.crf resource on the Oracle Standalone Cluster.
    $ Grid_home/bin/crsctl stop res ora.crf -init
    $ Grid_home/bin/crsctl start res ora.crf -init