All REST Endpoints

Data Dictionary
The operations from the Data Dictionary category.
Get a database link
Method: get
Path: /database/db_links/{owner},{db_link}
Get a partition
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/partitions/{table_owner},{table_name},{partition_name}
Get a procedure that is defined in package
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/packages/procedures/{object_id},{subprogram_id}
Get a specific column
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/columns/{owner},{table_name},{column_name}
Get a specific foreign keys
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/foreign_keys/{owner},{constraint_name}
Get a specific function
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/functions/{object_id}
Get a specific index
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/indexes/{owner},{index_name}
Get a specific object
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/{owner},{object_name},{object_type}
Get a specific table
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/tables/{owner},{table_name}
Get a synonym
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/synonyms/{owner},{synonym_name}
Get all arguments for functions and procedures
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/arguments/
Get all database links
Method: get
Path: /database/db_links/
Get all database objects
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/
Get all foreign keys
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/foreign_keys/
Get all functions
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/functions/
Get all indexes
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/indexes/
Get all materialized view logs
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/materialized_view_logs/
Get all object types
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/types/
Get all partitions in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/partitions/
Get all procedures defined in package
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/packages/procedures/
Get all synonyms in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/synonyms/
Get all table columns
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/columns/
Get all tables
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/tables/
Get an argument
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/arguments/{object_id},{subprogram_id},{argument_name}
Get an object type
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/types/{owner},{type_name}
Get information on a specific materialized view log
Method: get
Path: /database/objects/materialized_view_logs/{log_owner},{log_table}
The operations from the Environment category.
Create a new database in the default Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/databases/
Create a new database in the specified Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/databases/
Create a new DBCA job in the default Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/
Create a new DBCA job in the Oracle Home
Method: post
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/
Delete the specified DBCA job in the default Oracle Home
Method: delete
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Delete the specified DBCA job in the default Oracle Home
Method: delete
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Get a list of the databases defined in an Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/databases/
Get a list of the databases defined in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/databases/
Get a list of the DBCA database templates defined in an Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/templates/
Get a list of the DBCA database templates defined in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/templates/
Get a list of the DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/
Get a list of the DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/
Get a specific database defined in a specific Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/databases/{databaseName}
Get a specific database defined in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/databases/{databaseName}
Get a specific database template file in a specific Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/templates/{filename}
Get a specific database template file in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/templates/{filename}
Get a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Get a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the specified Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/
Get database Oracle Homes
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/
Get the DBCA log file content for a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the default Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/log
Get the DBCA log file content for a specified DBCA jobs created through ORDS Database API in the specified Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/dbca/jobs/{jobId}/log
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Manage Gold Images
You can create gold images and series to manage your deployments.
Add a new image series
Method: post
Path: /series/{seriesId}
Add image to series
Method: post
Path: /series/{seriesId}/images/{imageId}
Delete image series
Method: delete
Path: /series/{seriesId}
Deletes the specified image name
Method: delete
Path: /images/{imageId}
Display the configuration of the specified image
Method: get
Path: /images/{imageId}
Get all the series
Method: get
Path: /series
Get image series
Method: get
Path: /series/{seriesId}
Lists all the gold images
Method: get
Path: /images
Lists all the gold images that matches the specified query parameters.
Method: get
Path: /images/search
Remove image from series
Method: delete
Path: /series/{seriesId}/images/{imageId}
Schedules an import image operation
Method: post
Path: /images
Search series matching certain parameters
Method: get
Path: /series/search
Subscribe a user to a series
Method: post
Path: /series/{seriesId}/users/{userId}
Unsubscribe a user from a series
Method: delete
Path: /series/{seriesId}/users/{userId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Manage Operation Results
You can verify the status and retrieve the output messages of any operation that creates a job to handle its scheduled execution like imaging, provisioning, upgrade and patching operations of software homes.
Get all the jobs
Method: get
Path: /jobs
Get job details
Method: get
Path: /jobs/{jobId}
Get the job output and result
Method: get
Path: /jobs/{jobId}/output
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Patch Software homes
You can move from one provisioned copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher patch level.
Patch an Oracle Database Software home
Method: patch
Path: /workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/databases
Patch Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: patch
Path: /workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/gihome/{destWcId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Patch Unmanaged Software Homes
You can move from one software home that is not a copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher patch level than the first software home.
Patch an unmanaged Oracle Database Software home
Method: patch
Path: /databases
Patch unmanaged Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: patch
Path: /gihome/{destWcId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Provisioning Software homes
You can provision a working copy of a gold image.
Create Oracle Database Software
Method: post
Path: /workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/databases
Create working copy
Method: post
Path: /workingcopies
Delete working copy
Method: delete
Path: /workingcopies/{workingCopyId}
Get all working copies
Method: get
Path: /workingcopies
Get working copies based on a certain image type
Method: get
Path: /workingcopies/imagetypes/{imageType}
Get working copy details
Method: get
Path: /workingcopies/{workingCopyId}
Search working copies
Method: get
Path: /workingcopies/search
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Upgrade Software homes
You can move from one provisioned copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher version.
Upgrade an Oracle Database Software home
Method: put
Path: /workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/databases/{dbUniqueName}
Upgrade Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: put
Path: /workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/gihome/{destWcId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Upgrade Unmanaged Software Homes
You can move from one software home that is not a copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher version level than the first software home.
Upgrade an unmanaged Oracle Database Software home
Method: put
Path: /databases/{dbUniqueName}
Upgrade unmanaged Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: put
Path: /gihome/{destWcId}
The operations from the General category.
Create a data pump job
Method: post
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/
Create an export data pump job
Method: post
Path: /database/datapump/export
Create an import data pump job
Method: post
Path: /database/datapump/import
Get a database component
Method: get
Path: /database/components/{comp_id}
Get a description of a specific local listener for this database
Method: get
Path: /database/connections/{host_name},{port},{service_name}
Get a description of all local listeners for this database
Method: get
Path: /database/connections/
Get a file for a specific data pump job
Method: get
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/{owner_name},{job_name}/{filename}
Get a specific data pump job
Method: get
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/{owner_name},{job_name}/
Get a specific database parameter
Method: get
Path: /database/parameters/{name}
Get a specific database user
Method: get
Path: /database/security/users/{username}
Get a tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/
Get a tablespace segment
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/segments/{segment_name}
Get all data pump jobs
Method: get
Path: /database/datapump/jobs/
Get all database components
Method: get
Path: /database/components/
Get all database parameters
Method: get
Path: /database/parameters/
Get all database users
Method: get
Path: /database/security/users/
Get all feature usage statistics
Method: get
Path: /database/feature_usage/
Get all tablespaces
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/
Get data file usage summary for a specific tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles_usage
Get data files for a tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles/
Get database status
Method: get
Path: /database/status
Get database version
Method: get
Path: /database/version
Get specific database Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /environment/homes/{homeName}/
Get storage statistics
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/bytes
Get tablespace data file
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles/{file_id}/
Get tablespace data file usage
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/datafiles/{file_id}/usage
Get tablespace segments
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/segments/
Get tablespace space usage history
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/history
Get tablespace temporary file
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles/{file_id}/
Get tablespace temporary file usage
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles/{file_id}/usage
Get temporary file usage summary for a specific tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles_usage
Get temporary files for a tablespace
Method: get
Path: /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/tempfiles/
Get usage statistic for a feature
Method: get
Path: /database/feature_usage/{dbid},{name}
The operations from the Monitoring category.
Get a session
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/{sid},{serial_number}/
Get a session lock that is blocking other sessions
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/holding/{session_id},{lock_id1},{lock_id2}
Get a specific lock that a session is waiting on
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/waiting/{session_id},{lock_id1},{lock_id2}
Get a specific session lock record
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/{session_id},{lock_id1},{lock_id2}
Get a specific session wait
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_waits/{sid},{seq_number}
Get a specific session wait class record
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_wait_classes/{sid},{serial_number},{wait_class_number}
Get all alerts
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts/
Get all current sessions
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/
Get all locks held in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/
Get all locks that are blocking other sessions
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/holding/
Get all locks that sessions are waiting on
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_locks/waiting/
Get all long running operations for a session
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/{sid},{serial_number}/long_running_operations
Get all session limits
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_limits
Get all session wait class records
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_wait_classes/
Get all session waits
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_waits/
Get all wait class metrics
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/wait_class_metrics
Get an alert record
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts/{record_id}
Get count of alerts by message level
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_summaries/by_message_level
Get count of alerts by message type
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_summaries/by_message_type
Get count of different session types
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/session_summaries/by_type
Get count of recent alerts by message level
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_recent_summaries/by_message_level
Get count of recent alerts by message type
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/alerts_recent_summaries/by_message_type
Get current active process for a session
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/sessions/{sid},{serial_number}/process
Get time totals for all registered wait classes
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/wait_class_totals
Get wait time summary from recent active session history records
Method: get
Path: /database/monitoring/waits_recent
The operations from the Performance category.
Get a specified sampled session activity in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history/{sample_id}
Get all sampled session activity in the database
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history/
Get all SQL statements ordered by CPU time descending
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/top_sql_statements/
Get execution plan for an SQL Statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/plan
Get historical statistics for a SQL statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/history
Get information on a monitored statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/monitor/{sql_exec_id},{sql_exec_start}/
Get monitoring statistics for a SQL Statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/monitor/
Get parallel execution information for specific statement execution
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/monitor/{sql_exec_id},{sql_exec_start}/parallelism
Get SQL statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/text
Get SQL statistics for a specific session
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history_waits/{sid},{seq_number}/active_sql
Get SQL statistics maximum values
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/top_sql_statements/maximums
Get statistics for a SQL statement
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/{sql_id}/
Get statistics for all SQL statements
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/sql_statements/
Get the last 10 wait events for each active session
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history_waits/
Get the specified wait event for specific active session
Method: get
Path: /database/performance/active_sessions_history_waits/{sid},{seq_number}/
Pluggable Database Lifecycle Management
The operations from the Pluggable Database Lifecycle Management category.
Change the state of a PDB
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/status
Clone or Unplug operations for PDBs
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Create a PDB from PDB$SEED or XML
Method: post
Path: /database/pdbs/
Drop a PDB
Method: delete
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Get a pluggable database
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/
Get all pluggable databases
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/
Return status information of a PDB
Method: get
Path: /database/pdbs/{pdb_name}/status