6 AMDU-00200 to AMDU-00503

AMDU-00200: Unable to read [number] bytes from Disk Nnumber at offset [number]

Cause: A read operation failed for the reported disk.

Action: Ensure that the disk is functioning properly.

AMDU-00201: Disk Nnumber: 'string'

Cause: An error occurred with the reported disk. This message indicates the disk path name for the AMDU reported disk number.

Action: Refer to additional message(s) for details.

AMDU-00202: Cannot reopen disk Nnumber

Cause: Attempt to reopen disk failed.

Action: Ensure that the disk is functioning properly.

AMDU-00203: File Deleted. Cannot extract file string.

Cause: Specified ASM file does not exist.

Action: Correct the ASM file number or name specified for extract.

AMDU-00204: Disk Nnumber is in currently mounted diskgroup string.

Cause: Specified ASM file does not exist.

Action: Ensure that the ASM file number or name is specified correctly.

AMDU-00205: Disk Nnumber open failed during deep discovery.

Cause: Attempt to open disk failed during discovery.

Action: Ensure that the disk is functioning properly.

AMDU-00206: Shallow discovery failed for string with asmlib string.

Cause: Attempt to discover ASMLIB disks failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00207: Shallow discovery failed for string.

Cause: Attempt to discover disks failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00208: File directory block not found. Cannot extract file string.

Cause: File directory block for specified file is out of bounds.

Action: Correct the ASM file number or name specified for extract.

AMDU-00209: Corrupt block found: Disk Nnumber AU [number] block [number] type [number]

Cause: Block validation failed for reported block

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00210: No disks found in diskgroup string

Cause: No disks were discovered for the specified disk group.

Action: Ensure that the disk group name is entered correctly and that the member disks are discoverable.

AMDU-00211: Inconsistent disks in diskgroup string.

Cause: Disk discovery discovered disks with identical names in multiple disk groups.

Action: Specify the disk discovery string so as to avoid doscovery of disks with nonunique names.

AMDU-00212: Scan of diskgroup string does not appear in report.

Cause: AMDU cannot locate information about the specified disk group in the report file.

Action: Ensure that the -directory option points to a directory with a report file and dump for the specified disk group.

AMDU-00213: Disk Nnumber not found for group string

Cause: AMDU encountered a map file entry for a disk that does not exist in the the report file. The mapfile may have been corrupted.

Action: Re-create the original dump. If the operation still fails, contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00214: Image files were not created for diskgroup string.

Cause: The original AMDU dump request specified -noimage.

Action: Re-create the AMDU dump including image files.

AMDU-00215: Mirror miscompares on number blocks of file string

Cause: Comparison of mirrored blocks revealed mismatches.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00216: 0xbadfda7a written to number blocks of file string

Cause: AMDU was unable to read a number of blocks from the disk. It has written "0xbadfda7a" in place of these blocks.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00217: Invalid block num1 = [string], num2 = [string], error = [string]

Cause: Block validation failed with reported block

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00218: Voting file not found. Cannot extract file string.

Cause: Voting file is not present in specified disk group.

Action: Ensure that the disk group name is specified correctly.

AMDU-00219: Inconsistent block found: Disk Nnumber AU [number] block [number] type [number].

Cause: Block validation failed when the disk group was mounted.

Action: Dismount the disk group and try the operation again.

AMDU-00220: request to extract file string rejected

Cause: An attempt was made to extract a file type that could not be extracted.

Action: Ensure that the file number specified is for a file type that is permitted for extraction.

AMDU-00500: Operating system dependent operation:string failed with status: string

Cause: There was an operating system call error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00501: Operating system failure message: string

Cause: There was an operating system call error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00502: failure occurred at: string

Cause: There was an operating system call error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AMDU-00503: additional information: string

Cause: There was an operating system call error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.