94 ORA-47000 to ORA-47999

ORA-47000: Factor Type string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47001: Factor Type string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47002: error creating Factor Type string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the factor type

Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation

ORA-47003: error deleting Factor Type string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the factor type

Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation

ORA-47004: error updating Factor Type string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the factor type

Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation

ORA-47005: error renaming Factor Type string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred renaming the factor type

Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation

ORA-47020: Factor string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47021: Factor string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47022: error creating Factor string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the factor

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47023: error deleting Factor string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the factor

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47024: error updating Factor string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the factor

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47025: Factor Link already exists for string and string

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47026: error creating Factor Link for string and string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the factor link

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47027: Factor Link does not exist for string and string

Cause: The factor link referenced does not exist

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47028: error deleting Factor Link for string and string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the factor link

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47029: Factor type string is used by one or more factors.

Cause: The specified factor type was used by existing factor(s).

Action: Remove the dependent factors and retry the operation.

ORA-47030: Factor string is referred by one or more factor links.

Cause: The specified factor was referred by existing factor link(s).

Action: Remove the dependent factor links and retry the operation.

ORA-47031: Factor string is used by one or more policy factors.

Cause: The specified factor was used by existing policy factor(s).

Action: Remove the dependent policy factors and retry the operation.

ORA-47032: Factor string is referred by one or more identities.

Cause: The specified factor was referred by existing identities.

Action: Remove the dependent identities and retry the operation.

ORA-47033: Factor link for string and string is referred by one or more identity maps.

Cause: The specified factor link was referred by existing identity maps.

Action: Remove the dependent identity maps and retry the operation.

ORA-47034: cannot rename default factor string

Cause: An attempt was made to rename a default factor. Default factors cannot be renamed.

Action: No action required.

ORA-47040: Identity string for Factor string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47041: Identity string for Factor string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47042: error creating Identity string for Factor string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the identity

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47043: error deleting Identity string for Factor string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the identity

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47044: error updating Identity string for Factor string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the identity

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47045: Identity string for Factor string is used by one or more identity maps.

Cause: The specified identity was used by exiting identity map(s).

Action: Remove the dependent identity maps and retry the operation.

ORA-47046: Identity string for Factor string is referred by one or more policy labels.

Cause: The specified identity was used by exiting policy label(s).

Action: Remove the dependent policy labels and retry the operation.

ORA-47060: Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string already defined for operation string on string

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47061: Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string not found for operation string on string

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47062: error creating Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string already defined for operation string on string

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47063: error deleting Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string already defined for operation string on string

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47080: code string already defined in group string

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47081: code string not found in group string

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47100: Command rule string already defined for string.string.

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47101: Command rule string not found for string.string.

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47102: error creating command rule string for string.string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the command rule

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47103: error deleting command rule string for string.string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the command rule

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47104: error updating command rule string for string.string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the command rule

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47105: invalid object owner string for command string

Cause: The object owner is invalid for this command

Action: Choose an object owner other than SYS or a wildcard for this command

ORA-47106: Command rule string already defined for clause string with clause parameter string.

Cause: The object with this name exists already.

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation.

ORA-47107: Command rule string not found for clause string with clause parameter string.

Cause: The object being requested did not exist.

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation.

ORA-47108: Command rule string does not support clause level protection.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault did not support clause level protection for this command rule.

Action: Choose a valid command rule that supports clause level protection.

ORA-47109: Command rule string for clause string with parameter string does not support event level protection.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault did not support event level protection for this command rule.

Action: Choose a valid command rule that supports clause level protection.

ORA-47110: cannot create command rules for string.string

Cause: When ALLOW COMMON OPERATION was set to TRUE, a smaller scope user was not allowed to create command rules on a larger scope user's object.

Action: When ALLOW COMMON OPERATION is TRUE, do not create command rules on a larger scope user's object.

ORA-47120: Document string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47121: Document string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47140: Factor expression string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47141: Factor expression string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exists

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47160: Factor link string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47161: Factor link string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47180: Integration Policy for OLS Policy string is already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47181: Integration Policy for OLS Policy string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47182: Label algorithm string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47183: error creating Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the integration policy

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47184: error updating Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the integration policy

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47185: error deleting Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the integration policy

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47200: Integration Policy Factor already defined for Factor string and Policy string

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47201: Integration Policy Factor not found for Factor string and Policy string

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47202: error creating Integration Policy Factor for factor string and policy string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the integration policy factor

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47203: error deleting Integration Policy Factor for factor string and policy string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the integration policy factor

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47220: Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47221: Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47222: error creating Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the identity label

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47223: error deleting Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the identity label

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47240: Realm string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47241: Realm string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47242: error creating Realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the realm

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47243: error deleting Realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the realm

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47244: error updating Realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the realm

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47245: error renaming Realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred renaming the realm

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47246: cannot change default realm string to mandatory realm

Cause: An attempt was made to change the realm type of this default realm to mandatory realm.

Action: No action required.

ORA-47247: cannot rename default realm string

Cause: An attempt was made to rename a default realm. Default realms cannot be renamed.

Action: No action required.

ORA-47260: Realm authorization to string for realm string already defined.

Cause: The object with this name exists already.

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation.

ORA-47261: Realm authorization to string with string scope for realm string not found.

Cause: The object being requested does not exist.

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation.

ORA-47262: error creating realm authorization to string for realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the realm authorization.

Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.

ORA-47263: error deleting realm authorization to string for realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the realm authorization.

Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.

ORA-47264: error updating realm authorization to string for realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the realm authorization.

Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.

ORA-47265: The string scope realm authorization is not allowed in realm string.

Cause: The realm authorization scope was greater than the realm scope.

Action: Modify the realm authorization scope or add the realm authorization to a realm with proper scope.

ORA-47280: Realm Object string,string.string already defined in Realm string

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47281: Realm Object string,string.string not found in Realm string

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47282: error adding Realm Object string,string.string to Realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the realm object

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47283: error deleting Realm Object string,string.string from Realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the realm object

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47284: error adding Realm Object string.string. string is not a valid object type

Cause: The specified object type is not valid.

Action: Enter a valid object type for the specified object name, or enter "%" and all objects with the specified name and the specified owner will be added to the realm.

ORA-47285: Object is not a common object.

Cause: The object was neither a metadata link nor an object link object.

Action: Enter a metadata link object or an object link object or enter "%" and all objects with the specified owner will be added to the realm.

ORA-47286: cannot add string, string.string to a realm

Cause: When ALLOW COMMON OPERATION was set to TRUE, a smaller scope user was not allowed to add a larger scope user's object or a larger scope role to a realm.

Action: When ALLOW COMMON OPERATION is TRUE, do not add a larger scope user's object or a larger scope role to a realm.

ORA-47290: error creating VPD policy for Realm string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the VPD policy

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47300: Role already string defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47301: Role string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47302: error creating Role string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the role

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47303: error deleting Role string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the role

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47304: error updating Role string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the role

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47305: Rule Set violation on string (string)

Cause: An operation that was attempted failed due to a rule set violation

Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation retry the operation

ORA-47320: Rule string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47321: Rule string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47322: error creating Rule string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the rule

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47323: error deleting Rule string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the rule

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47324: error updating Rule string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the rule

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47325: Rule string is used by one or more rule sets.

Cause: The specified rule was used by existing rule set(s).

Action: Remove the dependent rule sets and retry the operation.

ORA-47326: The common rule expression contains local object(s).

Cause: Local object(s) were used in the common rule expression.

Action: Use common object(s) when creating or updating a common rule expression.

ORA-47327: The scope of the Rule and the Rule Set are different.

Cause: The scope of the Rule and the Rule Set were different.

Action: Use Rule and Rule Set of the same scope.

ORA-47328: cannot rename default rule string

Cause: An attempt was made to rename a default rule. Default rules cannot be renamed.

Action: No action required.

ORA-47340: Rule Set string already defined

Cause: The object with this name exists already

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation

ORA-47341: Rule Set string not found

Cause: The object being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47342: error creating Rule Set string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the rule set

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47343: error deleting Rule Set string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the rule set

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47344: error updating Rule Set string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the rule set

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47345: Rule set string is used by one or more realm authorizations.

Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing realm authorization(s).

Action: Remove the dependent realm authorizations and retry the operation.

ORA-47346: Rule set string is used by one or more command rules.

Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing command rule(s).

Action: Remove the dependent command rules and retry the operation.

ORA-47347: Rule set string is used by one or more secure application roles.

Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing secure application role(s).

Action: Remove the dependent secure application roles and retry the operation.

ORA-47348: Rule set string is used by one or more factors.

Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing factor(s).

Action: Remove the dependent factors and retry the operation.

ORA-47349: error occurred when executing the rule set handler

Cause: Either there was a syntax error on the rule set handler or DVSYS did not have sufficient privilege to execute the rule set handler.

Action: Fix the syntax error on the rule set handler or grant execute privilege on the rule set handler to DVSYS.

ORA-47350: cannot rename default rule set string

Cause: An attempt was made to rename a default rule set. Default rule sets cannot be renamed.

Action: No action required.

ORA-47360: rule string already added to rule set string

Cause: The object with this name existed already.

Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation.

ORA-47361: rule string not associated to rule set string

Cause: The rule specified was not associated to the rule set.

Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.

ORA-47362: error adding rule string to rule set string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while adding the rule to the rule set.

Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.

ORA-47363: error deleting rule string from rule set string, string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while deleting the rule from the rule set.

Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.

ORA-47381: Oracle Label Security (OLS) Policy string not found

Cause: The object being requested did not exist.

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation.

ORA-47382: Oracle Label Security (OLS) Policy Label string not found for policy string

Cause: The object being requested did not exist.

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation.

ORA-47383: error capturing the session state information

Cause: An internal error occurred capture the session state

Action: Please retry the operation if possible

ORA-47390: failed to audit event, string

Cause: An internal error auditing the operation

Action: Please retry the operation if possible

ORA-47391: attempt to set Factor string violates Rule Set string

Cause: An attempt to set the factor violated the associated rule set

Action: Please check to ensure you have the ability to set the factor

ORA-47392: Factor string cannot be set

Cause: The attempt to set the factor is not allowed

Action: This factor cannot be set so there is no corrective action

ORA-47393: Factor string value not allowed

Cause: The value being assigned to the factor is not allowed

Action: This factor cannot be set to this value so there is no corrective action

ORA-47394: Factor assignment rule set not defined

Cause: The rule set being associated to the factor does not exist

Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation

ORA-47395: error returned by Factor string evaluation expression string

Cause: The factor retrieval method resulted in an error

Action: Please review the retrieval method definition for accuracy and correct it as required

ORA-47396: error returned by Factor string validation expression string

Cause: The factor retrieval method resulted in an invalid value based on its validation method

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47397: incorrect identified by value for Factor string

Cause: The factor identified by value is incorrect

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47398: multiple identities defined for Factor string

Cause: The factor has duplicate identities defined

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47399: incorrect labeled by value for Factor string

Cause: The factor labeled by value is incorrect

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for string on string

Cause: An operation that was attempted failed due to a command rule violation

Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation retry the operation

ORA-47401: Realm violation for string on string.string

Cause: An operation that was attempted failed due to a realm protection

Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation retry the operation

ORA-47402: incorrect evaluation options value for Factor string

Cause: The factor evaluations options value is incorrect

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47403: NULL returned by Factor string evaluation expression string

Cause: The factor evaluated to a NULL value

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47404: NULL trust level for Factor string

Cause: The factor has a NULL trust level

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47405: negative trust level for Factor string

Cause: The factor has a negative trust level

Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required

ORA-47406: ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Factor string

Cause: The factor audit option is set to always audit

Action: No action required

ORA-47407: ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Rule Set string

Cause: The rule set audit option is set to always audit

Action: No action required

ORA-47408: Realm violation for the EXECUTE command

Cause: A realm violation has occurred for a realm-protected stored procedure.

Action: In order to invoke the realm-protected procedure, you must have GRANT privileges to execute the procedure, or you must be authorized to operate in the procedure's realm.

ORA-47409: Command Rule violation for the EXECUTE command

Cause: A command rule violation occurred when trying to perform the EXECUTE command for a stored procedure protected by a command rule.

Action: Ask the Database Vault administrator to perform the operation or remove the command rule for the protected stored procedure.

ORA-47410: Realm violation for string on string

Cause: An operation that was attempted failed with insufficient privileges due to an attempt to violate a Database Vault Realm security policy which is currently enabled and enforced.

Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation and retry the operation.

ORA-47411: Cannot use string due to Oracle Database Vault policy.

Cause: An operation that was attempted failed because Database Vault policy currently prevents the related feature from being used.

Action: Ask the Database Vault administrator to allow the feature to be used.

ORA-47412: The DVSYS and DVF users are not allowed to switch containers.

Cause: An attempt was made to switch containers while connecting as DVSYS or DVF, which is not allowed.

Action: Connect as a different user and try again.

ORA-47413: Cannot connect due to Oracle Database Vault policy.

Cause: An attempt to connect to DVSYS or DVF accounts failed because the Database Vault administrator had disabled the account.

Action: Ask the Database Vault administrator to enable the account.

ORA-47420: Database Vault policy string already defined

Cause: The policy with this name already existed.

Action: Choose a unique policy name and retry the operation.

ORA-47421: Database Vault policy string not found

Cause: The policy being requested did not exist.

Action: Choose a policy name that exists and retry the operation.

ORA-47422: The object already belongs to a Database Vault policy.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a realm or command rule to more than one Database Vault policy.

Action: Make sure the realm or command rule does not belong to any Database Vault policy and retry the operation.

ORA-47423: The object does not belong to Database Vault policy string.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a realm or command rule from a Database Vault policy that did not contain it.

Action: Choose the Database Vault policy that contains the realm or command rule and retry the operation.

ORA-47424: The user string already owns Database Vault policy string.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a user as policy owner to a Database Vault policy that the user already owned.

Action: Choose a user who does not own the policy and retry the operation.

ORA-47425: The user string does not own Database Vault policy string.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a user as policy owner from a Database Vault policy that the user did not own.

Action: Choose a user who owns the policy and retry the operation.

ORA-47426: The object or its parent object belongs to a Database Vault policy.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify an object that either belongs to a Database Vault policy or has a parent object that belongs to a Database Vault policy.

Action: Choose a different object or change the related policy state to the PARTIAL mode.

ORA-47427: The string scope realm string cannot be added to policy string.

Cause: The realm scope did not match the policy scope.

Action: Add the realm to a policy with the same scope.

ORA-47428: The string scope command rule cannot be added to policy string.

Cause: The command rule scope did not match the policy scope.

Action: Add the command rule to a policy with the same scope.

ORA-47429: The common scope command rule cannot be created on local objects.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a common scope command rule on a local object.

Action: Make sure the object is of common scope before creating a common scope command rule protecting it.

ORA-47430: Nested tables cannot be added to Oracle Database Vault realms and command rules.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a nested table to a realm or command rule.

Action: Protect the base table of the nested table in order to automatically protect the nested table.

ORA-47431: cannot rename default policy string

Cause: An attempt was made to rename a default policy. Default policy cannot be renamed.

Action: No action required.

ORA-47500: Database Vault cannot be configured.

Cause: The Database Vault configuration failed because some Database Vault objects were missing.

Action: Run the dvremov.sql script to remove Database Vault and then reinstall Database Vault.

ORA-47501: Database Vault has already been configured.

Cause: An attempt was made to run this procedure more than once. This procedure can be run successfully only once.

Action: If you are attempting to grant the DV_OWNER or DV_ACCTMGR roles, do so manually.

ORA-47502: Database Vault is not yet configured.

Cause: The Database Vault configuration procedure dvsys.configure_dv() had not been run.

Action: Run dvsys.configure_dv() before attempting to enable or disable Database Vault enforcement.

ORA-47503: Database Vault is not enabled in CDB$ROOT or application root.

Cause: Database Vault was not enabled in CDB$ROOT or application root for this operation.

Action: Enable Database Vault in CDB$ROOT or application root and retry the operation.

ORA-47504: Common audit policies for component Oracle Database Vault not supported.

Cause: Audit policies for Oracle Database Vault realms, factors and rule sets could not be common audit policies.

Action: If creating audit policies for Oracle Database Vault objects in CDB$ROOT, include the clause 'container=current'.

ORA-47505: Oracle Database Vault strict mode cannot be enabled in PDB.

Cause: "An attempt was made to enable Oracle Database Vault strict mode in a pluggable database (PDB). Strict mode can only be enabled in CDB$ROOT or application root.

Action: Enable Oracle Database Vault strict mode in CDB$ROOT or application root.

ORA-47506: Oracle Database Vault or Oracle Database Vault application protection is not enabled in CDB$ROOT.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault or Oracle Database Vault application protection was not enabled in CDB$ROOT for this operation.

Action: Enable Oracle Database Vault or Oracle Database Vault application protection in CDB$ROOT and retry the operation.

ORA-47800: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string to execute action string already exists.

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to execute the specified action was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or action and retry the operation.

ORA-47801: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string to execute action string already exists.

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the specified schema to execute the specified action was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee, schema or action and retry the operation.

ORA-47802: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string to execute action string is not found.

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to execute the specified action was not granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or action and retry the operation.

ORA-47803: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string to execute action string is not found.

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the specified schema to execute the specified action was not granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee, schema or action and retry the operation.

ORA-47804: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for string already exists.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception was already granted to the specified user.

Action: Choose a different user and retry the operation.

ORA-47805: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for string does not exist.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception did not exist for the specified user.

Action: Choose a different user and retry the operation.

ORA-47806: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for string.string already exists.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception was already granted to the specified package.

Action: Choose a different package and retry the operation.

ORA-47807: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for string.string does not exist.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception did not exist for the specified package.

Action: Choose a different package and retry the operation.

ORA-47808: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception cannot be added to package string.string.

Cause: Oracle Database Vault application protection exception was not added for a definer rights package.

Action: Choose a different package and retry the operation.

ORA-47901: OLS policy not specified

Cause: An OLS policy name is required for this operation

Action: Specify a policy name and retry the operation

ORA-47902: OLS policy label not specified

Cause: An OLS policy label is required for this operation

Action: Specify a policy label and retry the operation

ORA-47903: OLS policy label string not found for policy string

Cause: The policy label being requested does not exist

Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation

ORA-47904: OLS session label does not exist

Cause: The policy label specified does not exist

Action: Choose a valid policy label and retry the operation

ORA-47905: OLS policy label string is not allowed for policy string

Cause: The policy label specified is not valid for this policy

Action: Choose a valid policy label for this policy and retry the operation

ORA-47906: OLS policy label not specified for identity string.string under policy string

Cause: The policy label is required for this operation

Action: Choose a valid policy label for this policy and retry the operation

ORA-47907: Database Vault associated OLS policy string not fully configured

Cause: The Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy was associated with Database Vault. But either the policy was not configured with a factor or the current factor identity was not assigned a label.

Action: Based on the cause, either configure a factor with the OLS policy using DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.ADD_POLICY_FACTOR procedure and assign labels to factor identities using DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY_LABEL procedure or remove Database Vault association using DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE procedure.

ORA-47910: failure to add language string

Cause: An error occurred while adding a language to Oracle Database Vault.

Action: Review the trace file and identify the cause.

ORA-47920: Authorization failed for user string to perform this operation

Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed for this user

Action: Please ensure you have privileges to perform this operation

ORA-47921: error adding host string to domain string, string

Cause: An error occurred adding the host specified to the domain specified

Action: Please review the host and domain definition and correct it as required

ORA-47922: error removing host string to domain string, string

Cause: An error occurred removing the host specified to the domain specified

Action: Please review the host and domain definition and correct it as required

ORA-47930: Privilege capture string already exists.

Cause: A privilege capture with the given name was already in existence.

Action: Choose another capture name or drop the existing privilege capture.

ORA-47931: Privilege capture string does not exist.

Cause: The given privilege capture did not exist.

Action: Choose another privilege capture.

ORA-47932: Privilege capture string is still enabled.

Cause: The given privilege capture was still enabled.

Action: Choose another capture or disable the given privilege capture.

ORA-47933: Privilege capture string is already enabled.

Cause: The given privilege capture was already enabled.

Action: Choose another privilege capture.

ORA-47934: Two privilege captures are already enabled.

Cause: The maximum number of two privilege captures were enabled."

Action: Disable one of the enabled privilege captures.

ORA-47935: Another privilege capture is enabled.

Cause: Another capture of the same type or another nondatabase-wide capture was enabled.

Action: Disable the enabled privilege capture.

ORA-47936: Privilege capture string is already disabled.

Cause: The given privilege capture was already disabled.

Action: Choose another capture.

ORA-47937: Input string does not match the given privilege capture type.

Cause: The given input did not match the given privilege capture type.

Action: Change the input or the privilege capture type.

ORA-47938: GENERATE_RESULT is already running for privilege capture string.

Cause: DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT was already running for the given privilege capture.

Action: Wait and retry later or choose another privilege capture.

ORA-47939: Capture context namespace or attribute does not exist or is invalid.

Cause: Context namespace or attribute used in the capture condition did not exist or was invalid.

Action: Create the namespace or set the attribute or recreate a privilege capture with a valid namespace and attribute.

ORA-47940: cannot create a capture condition for a SYS user

Cause: An attempt was made to create a capture with the condition set as a SYS user which is not allowed.

Action: You can create capture conditions only for non-SYS users.

ORA-47941: Privilege capture string has not been enabled with run name string.

Cause: The given privilege capture has not been run with run name %s.

Action: Enable the given privilege capture with the given run name.

ORA-47942: Privilege capture string had been enabled with run name string.

Cause: The given privilege capture had been run with the given run name.

Action: Enable the given privilege capture with a new run name.

ORA-47943: Privilege capture string is enabled with run name string.

Cause: The given privilege capture is running with the given run name.

Action: Disable the given privilege capture.

ORA-47944: Privilege capture string has not been enabled.

Cause: The given privilege capture has not been enabled.

Action: Enable the given privilege capture.

ORA-47945: duplicate roles string in capture condition

Cause: An attempt was made to specify duplicate roles in a capture condition.

Action: Specify only unique roles and retry the operation.

ORA-47950: no value defined for required parameter string

Cause: The operation requires a value for this parameter

Action: Please specify the missing parameter and retry the operation

ORA-47951: invalid input value or length for parameter 'string'

Cause: The value specified for this parameter is invalid or too large

Action: Please specify the a valid parameter and retry the operation

ORA-47952: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.

ORA-47953: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string already exists

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given schema was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47954: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on object string.string already exists

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given object was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or a different object and retry the operation.

ORA-47955: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user.

Action: Choose a user who has Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault and retry the operation.

ORA-47956: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string is not found

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user on the given schema.

Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47957: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on object string.string is not found

Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user on the given object.

Action: Choose a different user or object and retry the operation.

ORA-47958: Running EXP with direct path option is disallowed when Oracle Database Vault is enabled.

Cause: While Oracle Database Vault was enabled, an attempt was made to run EXP with the 'direct=y' option.

Action: Change the option to 'direct=n' or disable Oracle Database Vault and retry the operation.

ORA-47959: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on tablespace string already exists.

Cause: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given tablespace was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or tablespace and retry the operation.

ORA-47960: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on tablespace string is not found.

Cause: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user on the given tablespace.

Action: Choose a different user or tablespace and retry the operation.

ORA-47961: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists

Cause: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.

ORA-47962: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string already exists

Cause: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given schema was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47963: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found

Cause: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user.

Action: Choose a user who has Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault and retry the operation.

ORA-47964: Oracle Scheduler job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string is not found

Cause: Oracle Scheduler job authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user on the given schema.

Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47965: DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %0!s on schema %1!s already exists.

Cause: DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given schema was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47966: DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %0!s on schema %1!s is not found.

Cause: DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user on the given schema.

Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47967: DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists.

Cause: DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.

ORA-47968: DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found.

Cause: DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the specified user.

Action: Choose a user who has DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault and retry the operation.

ORA-47969: DBREPLAY authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists.

Cause: DBREPLAY authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.

ORA-47970: DBREPLAY authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found.

Cause: DBREPLAY authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the specified user.

Action: Choose a user who has DBREPLAY authorization for Oracle Database Vault and retry the operation.

ORA-47971: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string already exists

Cause: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given schema was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47972: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string is not found.

Cause: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user on the given schema.

Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47973: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string already exists.

Cause: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given schema was already granted to the given grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47974: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string is not found.

Cause: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the given user on the given schema.

Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47975: PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists

Cause: PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.

ORA-47976: PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found

Cause: PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the specified user.

Action: Choose a user who has PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault and retry the operation.

ORA-47977: Maintenance authorizationstring for Oracle Database Vault to stringstring already exists.

Cause: Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose different parameters and retry the operation.

ORA-47978: Maintenance authorizationstring for Oracle Database Vault to stringstring on schema string already exists.

Cause: Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the specified schema was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose different parameters and retry the operation.

ORA-47979: Maintenance authorizationstring for Oracle Database Vault to string on object string.string already exists.

Cause: Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the specified schema was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47980: Maintenance authorizationstring for Oracle Database Vault to stringstring is not found.

Cause: Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the specified user.

Action: Choose different parameters and retry the operation.

ORA-47981: Maintenance authorizationstring for Oracle Database Vault to stringstring on schema string is not found.

Cause: Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the specified user on the specified schema.

Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.

ORA-47982: Maintenance authorizationstring for Oracle Database Vault to string on object string.string is not found.

Cause: Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the specified user on the specified object.

Action: Choose a different user or object and retry the operation.

ORA-47983: Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists.

Cause: Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already granted to the specified grantee.

Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.

ORA-47984: Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found.

Cause: Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to the specified user.

Action: Choose a user who has diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault and retry the operation.

ORA-47985: password same as or similar to user

Cause: The password specified similar to the user account name and therefore insecure

Action: Please specify the more complex password and retry the operation

ORA-47986: password length must be 8 characters or more

Cause: The password specified is too short and therefore insecure

Action: Please specify a password with more characters and retry the operation

ORA-47987: password is too simple

Cause: The password specified can be guessed based on dictionary terms and therefore insecure

Action: Please specify a password that is not based on dictionary terms and retry the operation

ORA-47988: password should contain at least one numeric and one alphabetic character

Cause: The password does not contain at least one numeric and one alphabetic character

Action: Please specify a password with at least one numeric and one alphabetic character and retry the operation

ORA-47989: password should differ by at least 3 characters

Cause: The password specified does not differ from the previous one by more than 3 characters

Action: Please specify a password that differs from the previous one by more than 3 characters and retry the operation

ORA-47990: Function string has already been added to Oracle Database Vault index functions list.

Cause: The function specified had already been added to Oracle Database Vault index functions list.

Action: Choose a different function and retry the operation.

ORA-47991: Function string is not found in Oracle Database Vault index functions list.

Cause: The function specified was not found in Oracle Database Vault index functions list.

Action: Choose a different function and retry the operation.

ORA-47992: Function string is not an Oracle built-in operator.

Cause: The function specified was not provided as a built-in operator by Oracle.

Action: Choose a different function and retry the operation.

ORA-47993: cannot run dvremov.sql on the multitenant container database (CDB).

Cause: The Database Vault removal script was not supported on a multitenant container database (CDB).

Action: None

ORA-47994: Database Vault removal script must be run as SYS

Cause: The Database Vault removal script was not run as SYS.

Action: Run the Database Vault removal script as SYS.

ORA-47995: Database Vault must be linked off and disabled before removal

Cause: Database Vault was not linked off and disabled.

Action: Link Database Vault off and execute DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_CHECK as DV_OWNER.

ORA-47996: The RECYCLEBIN is turned on

Cause: The RECYCLEBIN was turned on.

Action: Turn off the RECYCLEBIN and then execute Database Vault Removal script.

ORA-47997: Database Vault protected schema does not exist

Cause: The Database Vault DVSYS protected schema did not exist.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for instructions.

ORA-47999: internal Database Vault error: string\n Error: string

Cause: An internal Database Vault framework error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.