Configuring Level 2: Prepare Applications for Planned Maintenance

Building on application HA Level 1: Basic Application High Availability, Level 2 adds session draining configuration for minimal application impact during planned maintenance.

After implementing Level 1, you are ready to implement a planned maintenance solution appropriate to your application from one of the choices below. You can use planned operations to relocate or stop services, or to switch over, allowing for graceful completion of the users' work.

The recommended approach, to avoid impacting applications, is to drain work in an Oracle RAC rolling fashion. Typically a period of time is allocated to perform the draining. Our recommended choice is to use Oracle connection pools that are integrated with FAN to initiate draining.

If you are unable to drain, an alternative approach is to drain work before maintenance starts.

Other choices can be used if you aren't able to use Oracle connection pools.

Employ the following practices to increase your application high availability to level 2:

Recommended Option: Use an Oracle Connection Pool

Using a FAN-aware Oracle connection pool is the recommended solution for managing planned maintenance.

Oracle pools provide full lifecycle management: draining, reconnecting, and rebalancing across nodes and sites. As the maintenance progresses and completes (for each instance or node), sessions are moved and rebalanced across instances. There is no impact to users when your application uses an Oracle Pool with FAN and returns connections to the pool between requests.

Supported Oracle Pools include:

  • Universal Connection Pool (UCP)
  • WebLogic Active GridLink
  • Tuxedo
  • OCI Session Pool
  • ODP.NET Managed and Unmanaged providers
  • Oracle Session Pool for Python

When using these pools, no application changes are needed other than ensuring that your connections are returned to the pool between requests.

It is a best practice that an application obtains a connection only for the time that it needs it, and then returns the connection to the pool as soon as it is finished making its database calls. Holding a connection instead of returning it to the pool prevents the pool from gracefully moving sessions to available instances, and it uses resources inefficiently, requiring many more connections than would otherwise be used. An application should, therefore, obtain a connection and then return that connection immediately after the work is complete. The connections are then available for later use by other threads, or your thread when needed again. Returning connections to a connection pool is a general recommendation regardless of how draining is implemented.


The syntax for obtaining and returning a connection varies by pool implementation.

For example, in UCP you use the getConnection() method of the PoolDataSource object to obtain a connection, and the close() method to return it after you've done some work in the database.

Oracle Connection Pools validate a connection whenever a connection is borrowed to ensure that the connection can be used without any errors.

See Universal Connection Pool Developer's Guide

Alternate Option: Use Connection Tests

If you cannot use an Oracle Pool, then the Oracle client drivers 19c or Oracle Database 19c will drain the sessions for you.

When services are relocated or stopped, or there is a switchover to a standby site via Oracle Data Guard, the Oracle Database and Oracle client drivers are notified to look for safe places to release connections according to the following:

  • Standard connection tests for connection validity (for example isValid() in JDBC)
  • Custom SQL tests for connection validity

For custom batch applications, test the connection between batches. When the connection test fails, create or borrow another connection.

For third-party connection pools, enable connection tests offered by the vendor. When the connection test fails, the third-party pool will close the connection and allow you to borrow another one.


  • When you use a connection test, the outcome of the connection test applies to that session only. Do not use connection tests to make general decisions about the instance and to make a determination to stop more than the session to which the test applies.

  • Disable connection pool properties for flushing and destroying the pool on connection test failure when using Oracle WebLogic Server data sources.

  • A monitor is functionality that makes a decision about the health of an instance. With FAN and Runtime Load Balancing such monitors are no longer needed and not susceptible to incorrect decisions. If you do want a monitor, SQL in that monitor must NOT be misinterpreted as a connection test for draining the application. There are a few ways to avoid this misinterpretation:

    • Disable a monitor's specific health query using the dbms_app_cont_admin package:

      dbms_app_cont_admin.disable_connection_test(dbms_app_cont_admin.sql_test,'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM DUAL’);

      Here, the query used by the monitor, 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM DUAL’, is not considered a connection test. If there are any connection tests that also use this query, then they would be disabled and a different query would be needed.

    • Embed a comment into the monitor query to distinguish it from any of the registered connection tests:

      SELECT /* My Health monitor query */ COUNT(1) monitor FROM DUAL

Use Standard Connection Tests to Drain at the JDBC Thin Driver

For non-Oracle pools, to use connection tests with the JDBC thin driver, do the following steps.

  1. Enable connection tests in your pool (implementation varies by third-party pool) and use the following test, java.sql.Connection.isValid(int timeout)
  2. Set the Java system properties
    • -Doracle.jdbc.fanEnabled=true

    • -Doracle.jdbc.defaultConnectionValidation=SOCKET (in Oracle Database 19c the isValid() call is local to the client and will not require a trip to the database)

Use OCI Connection Tests to Drain at the OCI Driver

When using Oracle Call Interface (OCI) session pool, this connection check is done for you. When using the OCI driver directly, use OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS. This is the only method that is a code change.

In your code, check the server handle when borrowing and returning connections to see if the session is disconnected. When the service is stopped or relocated, the value OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS is set to OCI_SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED.

The following code sample shows you how to use OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS.

ub4 serverStatus = 0
OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)srvhp, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER,
   (dvoid *)&serverStatus, (ub4 *)0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS, errhp);
if (serverStatus == OCI_SERVER_NORMAL)
printf("Connection is up.\n");
else if (serverStatus == OCI_SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED)
 printf("Connection is down.\n");
/* Close connection and get a new one */

Use Connection Tests to Drain at the Oracle Database

The Oracle Database 19c can drain your sessions. When your connection test is executed during maintenance, the database closes your session and the application server closes the connection.

Use the view DBA_CONNECTION_TESTS to see the connection tests and rules that are enabled for you. If you are using a SQL-based connection test, use the same SQL that is enabled in the database (the same identical statement) at your connection pool or application server.

If you need additional connection tests, you can add, delete, enable, or disable connection tests for a service, a pluggable database, or non-container database.

For example:

 dbms_app_cont_admin.add_sql_connection_test('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM DUAL');



Use the USERENV Function to Drain PL/SQL-Based Workloads

Use the function USERENV to know whether your session is in draining mode. For example, use this function to decide when to stop and acquire a new connection in the case of a long running PL/SQL loop that is processing records.

SQL> select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'DRAIN_STATUS') from dual ;




SQL> select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'DRAIN_STATUS') from dual ;




Leverage Server-Side Operations for Planned Maintenance

Server-side operations are required to manage connections for planned maintenance.

Note that services connected to the Oracle Database are configured with connection tests and a drain timeout specifying how long to allow for draining, and the stopoption (typically IMMEDIATE), that applies after the drain timeout expires. The stop, relocate, and switchover commands managed by SRVCTL include a drain_timeout and stopoption switch to override values set on the service if needed.

Oracle recommends configuring services with the required drain timeout applicable to that service, so they are used automatically during maintenance operations.

Maintenance commands are similar to the commands described in the examples in Server-Side Planned Maintenance Command Examples. You can use these commands to start draining. Include additional options, if needed, as described in My Oracle Support (MOS) Note: Doc ID 1593712.1. Oracle tools, such as Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP) use these commands as well.

Oracle Clusterware can start instances that are not currently running, but can run a service that requires that instance. Services that cannot be relocated or do not need relocation, are stopped. If a singleton service is defined with no other available instances, then it may incur complete downtime, which is expected behavior. It is better to have preferred instances and at least one available instance always defined.

After the maintenance is complete and the instance is restarted, no additional SRVCTL action is required because the Oracle Clusterware service attribute automatically determines where services will end up.

See also:

Server Draining Ahead of Planned Maintenance in Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide