Oracle Net TNS String Parameters

The parameters used in the connect string are explained here.


Applies when a connection to a listener address is attempted.

This setting represents the maximum time in which a connection using a specific ADDRESS endpoint has to complete. It includes the transport connection time and any other actions that must happen (redirection from SCAN VIP to listener VIP and finally to the foreground spawned process).

CONNECT_TIMEMOUT should be larger than TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, otherwise TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT is effectively capped by CONNECT_TIMEOUT. When TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT is not specified, then CONNECT_TIMEOUT acts as the timeout for the entire connection attempt to an ADDRESS endpoint, both transport and final connection to the database foreground.

Oracle recommends the value for CONNECT_TIMEOUT be large enough to account for the value of TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, in addition to potential delays that may occur when connecting to busy listeners and hosts. The value of 90 seconds in the example connect string is very generous and might need to be shortened in some cases. But, if it is too short, then the setting could be counter-productive because it causes additional attempts that can also fail, and can introduce more unproductive workload on the servers to handle connection requests that might be prematurely abandoned.


If a connection attempt fails across all ADDRESS_LISTS, then additional attempts to connect beginning with the first ADDRESS_LIST will be made RETRY_COUNT times.

This is useful when a switchover or failover to a standby is in progress and the connection needs to keep trying until the operation is complete.


Seconds in between retry attempts.

A short amount of time is given to allow the new primary database time to open. This parameter is used with RETRY_COUNT to wait a reasonable amount of time to connect to a newly opened database.

It is better to have short retry delays with many retry counts so the connection can complete close to the time the primary database opened.


Allow up to 1000 milliseconds to connect to the listener using TCP hosts in the ADDRESS. If no connection is made, then try the next ADDRESS.

When an Oracle RAC SCAN host name is used, each IP in the SCAN address is expanded internally into a separate ADDRESS string. Each ADDRESS is then attempted if a connection attempt fails.

Adjust this parameter for your environment to minimize the time spent waiting for the listener endpoint connection to succeed. If the time is too short, you might give up on a connection attempt too soon, causing more delays and potentially a failure to connect. If the time is too long, then if the listener endpoint is unreachable, you might spend too much time waiting before giving up and trying another endpoint.

The host names specify SCAN VIPs. They are always available when using a cluster. This means that if a node or network is down, the VIP sends an instant reply, so that when connecting, the next address is used immediately if the service is not offered at the VIP address.


When a HOST inside an ADDRESS resolves to multiple addresses for Oracle RAC SCAN, then all of the addresses are tried in a random order.

If you set LOAD_BALANCE=OFF, then the order is the same every time, which might overburden one of the SCAN listeners, so its recommended to set it to ON.