Configuring Disks Manually for Oracle Automatic Storage Management

To use Oracle Automatic Storage Management with direct attached storage (DAS) or storage area network (SAN), the disks must be stamped with a header.

If you install Oracle Restart in an interactive mode, Oracle Universal Installer configures the headers of the disk during the installation process. However, if you intend to install Oracle Restart in a response file mode, then you must manually configure the disks before installation by using either asmtoolg (GUI version) or asmtool (command-line version). You can also use these tools to reconfigure the disks after installation. The asmtoolg and asmtool utilities work only on partitioned disks: you cannot use Oracle Automatic Storage Management on unpartitioned disks.

The asmtoolg and asmtool tools associate meaningful, persistent names with disks to facilitate using those disks with Oracle Automatic Storage Management. Oracle Automatic Storage Management uses disk strings to more easily operate on groups of disks at once, so the names that asmtoolg or asmtool creates make this easier than using Windows drive letters.

All disk names created by asmtoolg or asmtool begin with the prefix ORCLDISK followed by a user-defined prefix (the default is DATA) and a disk number for identification purposes.

Using the asmtoolg Tool (Graphical User Interface)

The asmtoolg tool is a graphical interface for creating device names. Use asmtoolg to add, change, delete, and examine the devices available for use in Oracle Automatic Storage Management.

To add or change disk stamps:

  1. In the installation media labeled Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c, from the media root, go to asmtool directory and double-click asmtoolg.exe.

    If Oracle Database is installed, go to ORACLE_HOME\bin and double-click asmtoolg.exe.

    If User Account Control is enabled, then create a shortcut for the command prompt window on your desktop. An icon for that shortcut appears on the desktop. Right click the icon for the newly created shortcut, and specify "Run as administrator." When the command window opens, go to ORACLE_HOME\bin, and then type asmtoolg.

  2. Select the Add or change label option, then click Next.

    The asmtoolg tool shows the devices available on the system. Unrecognized disks are labeled as "Candidate device", stamped Oracle Automatic Storage Management disks as "Stamped ASM disk", and unstamped Oracle Automatic Storage Management disks as "Unstamped ASM disks." The tool also shows disks that are recognized by Windows as a file system (such as NTFS). These are not available for use as disks and cannot be selected. In addition, Microsoft Dynamic disks are not available for use as Oracle Automatic Storage Management disks.

  3. In the Stamp Disks window, select the disks to stamp.

    Oracle Automatic Storage Management can generate unique stamps for all of the devices selected for a given prefix. The stamps are generated by concatenating a number with the prefix specified. For example, if the prefix is DATA, then the first Oracle Automatic Storage Management link name is ORCLDISKDATA0.

    You can also specify the stamps of individual devices.

  4. (Optional) Select a disk to edit the individual stamp (Oracle Automatic Storage Management link name).

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Finish.

To delete disk stamps:

  1. Select the Delete labels option, then click Next.

    The delete option is only available if disks exist with stamps. The delete window shows all stamped Oracle Automatic Storage Management disks.

  2. In the Delete Stamps window, select the disks to unstamp.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Finish.

Example 6-1 Using the asmtool Utility (Command Line)

The asmtool utility is a command-line interface for stamping disks. If User Account Control is enabled, then you can create a shortcut for the command prompt window on your desktop. An icon for that shortcut appears on the desktop. Right-click the icon for the newly created shortcut, and select "Run as administrator." Then start asmtool.

It has the following options:

Option Description


Adds or changes stamps. You must specify the hard disk, partition, and new stamp name. If the disk is a raw device or has an existing Oracle Automatic Storage Management stamp, then you must specify the -force option. Also sets Oracle Automatic Storage Management instances to rescan the available disks.


asmtool -add [-force]
\Device\Harddisk1\Partition1 ORCLDISKASM0
\Device\Harddisk2\Partition1 ORCLDISKASM2...


Adds or changes stamps using a common prefix to generate stamps automatically. The stamps are generated by adding a number with the prefix specified. If the disk is a raw device or has an existing Oracle Automatic Storage Management stamp, then you must specify the -force option. Also sets Oracle Automatic Storage Management instances to rescan the available disks.


asmtool -addprefix ORCLDISKASM [-force]


Lists available disks. The stamp, windows device name, and disk size in megabytes are shown. Some disks may be file systems, and cannot be stamped. If the disk is a raw device or has an existing Oracle Automatic Storage Management stamp, then you must specify the -force option.


asmtool -list [-force]


Removes existing stamps from disks. Also sets Oracle Automatic Storage Management instances to rescan the available disks.


asmtool -delete ORCLDISKASM0 ORCLDISKASM1...