Performing Basic File Operations Using the ORADNFS Utility

ORADNFS is a utility which enables the database administrators to perform basic file operations over Direct NFS Client on Microsoft Windows platforms.

ORADNFS is a multi-call binary, a single binary that acts like several utilities. This allows ORADNFS to be smaller since all the built-in commands can leverage DNFS code for many common operations. ORADNFS is run by issuing a command as an argument on the command line.

For example, C:\> ORADNFS help causes ORADNFS to print a list of built-in commands, and C:\> ORADNFS ls C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL causes ORADNFS to behave as an ls command of C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL remote directory, where C:\ORACLE\ORADATA is a DNFS virtual mount point specified in the oranfstab configuration file.


  • A valid copy of the oranfstab configuration file must be present in ORACLE_HOME\dbs directory for ORADNFS to operate.

  • The user must be a member of the local ORA_DBA group to execute ORADNFS.