
This property causes executed statements to be cached when the property is set to true and statement caching is enabled. If statement caching is disabled or if this property is set to false, the executed statement is not cached.


// C#
public bool AddToStatementCache{get; set;}

Return Value

Returns bool value. A value of true indicates that statements are being added to the cache, false indicates otherwise.

Property Value

A bool value that indicates that the statements will be cached when they are executed, if statement caching is enabled.


Default is true.

AddToStatementCache is ignored if statement caching is disabled. Statement caching is enabled by setting the Statement Cache Size connection string attribute to a value greater than 0.

When statement caching is enabled, however, this property provides a way to selectively add statements to the cache.


// C#
using System;
using System.Data;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; 
class AddToStatementCacheSample
  static void Main()
    string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;" +
      "statement cache size=10";
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from emp", con);
    if (cmd.AddToStatementCache)
      Console.WriteLine("Added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText);
      Console.WriteLine("Not added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText);
    // The execution of "select * from emp" will be added to the statement cache
    // because statement cache size is greater than 0 and OracleCommand's
    // AddToStatementCache is true by default.
    OracleDataReader readerEmp = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    // Do not add "select * from dept" to the statement cache
    cmd.CommandText = "select * from dept";
    cmd.AddToStatementCache = false;
    if (cmd.AddToStatementCache)
      Console.WriteLine("Added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText);
      Console.WriteLine("Not added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText);
    // The execution of "select * from dept" will not be added to the 
    // statement cache because AddToStatementCache is set to false.
    OracleDataReader readerDept = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    // Clean up