explicit operator OracleIntervalDS

This type conversion operator converts a string to an OracleIntervalDS structure.


// C#
public static explicit operator OracleIntervalDS (string intervalStr);


  • intervalStr

    A string representation of an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND.

Return Value

An OracleIntervalDS structure.


ArgumentException - The supplied intervalStr parameter is not in the correct format or has an invalid value.

ArgumentNullException - The intervalStr parameter is null.


The returned OracleIntervalDS structure contains the same time interval represented by the supplied intervalStr. The value specified in the supplied intervalStr must be in Day HH:MI:SSxFF format.


"1 2:3:4.99" means 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes 4 seconds and 990 milliseconds or 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes 4 seconds and 990000000 nanoseconds.