General JSON configuration file

The general JSON configuration file stores information related to SPARQL queries, JBDC parameters and upload parameters.

The JSON file includes the following parameters:

  • Maximum SPARQL rows: Defines the limit of rows to be fetched for a SPARQL query. If a query returns more than this limit, the fetching process is stopped.
  • SPARQL Query Timeout: Defines the time in seconds to wait for a query to complete.
  • Allow publishing: Flag to enable public data source selection for using with SPARQL query endpoints.
  • Publishing data source: The RDF data source to publish datasets.
  • JDBC Fetch size: The fetch size parameter for JDBC queries.
  • JDBC CLOB Prefetch size: Number of characters to be prefetched when retrieving large object values.
  • JDBC Batch size: The batch parameter for JDBC updates.
  • Maximum file size to upload: The maximum file size to be uploaded into server.
  • Maximum unzipped item size: The maximum size for an item in a zip file.
  • Maximum unzipped total size: The size limit for all entries in a zip file.
  • Maximum zip inflate multiplier: Maximum allowed multiplier when inflating files.

These parameters can be updated as shown in the following figures

Figure 14-72 General SPARQL Parameters

General SPARQL Parameters

Figure 14-73 General JDBC Parameters

General JDBC Parameters

Figure 14-74 General File Upload Parameters

General File Upload Parameters