Steps to Create an Initialization Parameter File for the Auxiliary Instance

The initialization parameter file for the auxiliary instance must contain at least the DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN initialization parameters. Additional parameters may be specified, if required. Ensure that the initialization parameter file is on the same host as the RMAN client that performs the duplication.

To create the initialization parameter file for the auxiliary instance:
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Copy the initialization parameter file from the source host to the destination host, placing it in the operating system-specific default location, and then modify the DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN initialization parameters.

      If you are duplicating a CDB, ensure that the ENABLE_PLUGGABLE_DATABASE parameter is present and set to TRUE.

      See Copying the Server Parameter File from the Source Database.

    • Complete these steps:

      1. Using a text editor, create an empty file for use as a text-based initialization parameter file, and save it in the operating system-specific default location.

      2. In the parameter file, set the DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN initialization parameters. These are the only required parameters.

        Setting the DB_DOMAIN parameter enables you to connect to the default database service when you connect with a net service name.

      3. If the auxiliary instance is to be a CDB, then set the following parameter:
  2. Set the various location parameters such as CONTROL_FILES and DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST.

  3. If necessary, set other initialization parameters like those needed for Oracle Real Application Clusters.

  4. Set the required environment variables, such as ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID.

  5. (Optional) Set initialization parameters that specify the location of the duplicate database files if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

    • The source host and the destination host are the same (duplication to the local host).

    • The duplicate database uses a directory structure that is different from that of the source host to store database files.

    Depending on the technique used to specify alternate names for duplicate database files, include one or more of the following parameters in the initialization parameter file: CONTROL_FILES, DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT, LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT, DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST, DB_CREATE_ONLINE_FILE_DEST_n, and RECOVERY_FILE_DEST.


    It is recommended that you verify that all paths specified are accessible to the destination host and to the server session of the auxiliary instance.

    See “Methods of Generating Database File Names for the Duplicate Database” in Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User’s Guide.

  6. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the auxiliary instance as a user with SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP privileges. Start the auxiliary instance in NOMOUNT mode. If the file is in the default location, no PFILE parameter is required on the STARTUP command.

Example 4-1 Sample Initialization Parameter File for the Auxiliary Instance
