Using the Same Names for Database Files in the Source Database and Duplicate Database

Certain conditions must be met to use the same names for files in the source and duplicate database.

The simplest duplication strategy is to configure the duplicate database to use the same directory structure and file names as the source database. You can use the same directory structure and names only when duplicating to a remote host.

Using the same directory structure and file names means that your environment meets the following requirements:
  • If the source database uses ASM disk groups, then the duplicate database must use ASM disk groups with the same names.

  • If the source database files are Oracle Managed Files, then the auxiliary instance must set the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter to the same directory location as the source database. Although the directories are the same on the source and destination hosts, Oracle Database chooses the relative names for the duplicate files.

  • If the names of the database files in the source database contain a path, then this path name must be the same in the duplicate database.

  • For Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environments, use the same value for the ORACLE_SID parameter of the source and destination databases.

When you configure your environment as suggested, no additional configuration is required to name the duplicate files.