How to Show the Current State of the Oracle Data Dictionary

To check the state of the Oracle Data Dictionary for diagnosing upgrades and migrations, use one of three methods.

Example 4-1 Run a SQL Query on DBA_REGISTRY

To show the current state of the dictionary, perform a SQL query similar to the following example:

SQL> spool /tmp/regInvalid.out
SQL> set echo on
-- query registry
SQL> set lines 80 pages 100
SQL> select substr(comp_id,1,15) comp_id,substr(comp_name,1,30)
      comp_name,substr(version,1,10) version_full,status
from dba_registry order by comp_id;

Example 4-2 Run SQL Queries to Check for Invalid Objects

To check for invalid objects, you can perform SQL queries, similar to the following examples:

  1. This query list all the invalid objects in the database:

    SQL> select owner, object_name, object_type from dba_invalid_objects order by owner, object_type, object_name;
  2. After you have upgraded the database, and you have run utlrp.sql, Oracle-maintained objects should be valid.

    To check to ensure Oracle-maintained objects are valid, enter the following query:

    SQL> select owner, object_name, object_type from sys.dba_invalid_objects where oracle_maintained='Y';
  3. To list any invalid application objects in the database, enter the following query:

    SQL> select owner, object_name, object_type from sys.dba_invalid_objects where oracle_maintained='N';

Example 4-3 Run the dbupgdiag.sql Script

(Optional) If you want to obtain further information about the upgrade, you can choose to run the dbupgdiag.sql script. The dbupgdiag.sql script collects diagnostic information about the status of the database, either before or after the upgrade. Download the script from My Oracle Support note 556610, and run the script as the database SYS user. The script generates the diagnostic information in a readable format, in a log file with the name file db_upg_diag_sid_timestamp.log, where sid is the Oracle system identifier for the database, and timestamp is the time that the file is generated.

For example, where you download and place the script in the directory /u01/dbupgdiag-script:

/u01/dbupdiag-script/ $ sqlplus / as sysdba
sql> alter session set nls_language='American';
sql> @dbupgdiag.sql
sql> exit

You can run the script in SQL*Plus both before the upgrade on the source database, and after the upgrade on the upgraded database. For more information about the script, refer to the instructions and the output example file in My Oracle Support Note 556610.1.