Oracle by Example brandingCreate and Load Partitions in In-Memory Hybrid Partitioned Tables

section 0 Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to create and load partitions in in-memory hybrid partitioned table.


Oracle Database 18c enables the population of data from external tables into the In-Memory column store (IM column store). This allows the population of data that is not stored in Oracle Database but in source data files. Nevertheless, the population must be completed manually by executing the DBMS_INMEMORY.POPULATE procedure.

In Oracle Database 19c, querying an in-memory enabled external table automatically initiates the population of the external data into the IM column store.

What Do You Need?

  • Oracle Database 19c installed
  • A CDB and a PDB
  • Tablespaces created in the PDB for internal partitions of the hybrid partitioned table
  • Source data files for external partitions of the hybrid partitioned table: cent19.dat and cent20.dat. Download the .dat files to the labs directory created on your server in their respective subdirectories, /home/oracle/labs/CENT19 and /home/oracle/labs/CENT20.
  • The create_inmem_hybrid_table.sql SQL script. Download the SQL script to the labs directory created on your server /home/oracle/labs.
  • The insert_select.sql SQL script. Download the SQL script to the labs directory created on your server /home/oracle/labs.

section 1Configure the IM Column Store Size

  1. Set the IM column store size to 800M.
    sqlplus / AS SYSDBA
  2. Restart the instance and open the database.

section 2Create the Tablespaces for the Internal Partitions

In this section, you create two tablespaces to store data of the internal partitions. One of the two tablespaces will be the default tablespace for internal partitions.

  1. Log in to the PDB as SYSTEM.
    CONNECT system@PDB1
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the tablespaces TS1 and TS2 to store internal partitions of the hybrid partitioned table.
    CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 DATAFILE '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/ORCL/pdb1/ts1.dbf' SIZE 100M;
    CREATE TABLESPACE ts2 DATAFILE '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/ORCL/pdb1/ts2.dbf' SIZE 100M;

section 3Create the Logical Directories for the External Partitions

In this section, you create the logical directories to store the source data files for external partitions.

  1. Create the logical directory CENT18 to store the source data file cent18.dat for the CENT18 external partition.
    CREATE DIRECTORY cent18 AS '/home/oracle/labs/CENT18'; 
  2. Create the logical directory CENT19 to store the source data file cent19.dat for the CENT19 external partition.
    CREATE DIRECTORY cent19 AS '/home/oracle/labs/CENT19'; 
  3. Create the logical directory CENT20 to store the source data file cent20.dat for the CENT20 external partition.
    CREATE DIRECTORY cent20 AS '/home/oracle/labs/CENT20'; 

section 4Create the In-Memory Hybrid Partitioned Table

  1. Create the user that owns the in-memory hybrid partitioned table.
    CREATE USER hypt IDENTIFIED BY password;
  2. Grant the read and write privileges on the directories that store the source data files to the table owner.
    GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY cent18 TO hypt;
    GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY cent19 TO hypt;
    GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY cent20 TO hypt;
  3. Grant the CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, and UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privileges to the table owner.
    GRANT create session, create table, unlimited tablespace TO hypt;
  4. Execute the create_inmem_hybrid_table.sql SQL script to create the HYPT_INMEM_TAB hybrid partitioned table with the following attributes:
    • The table is partitioned by range on the TIME_ID column.
    • The default tablespace for internal partitions is TS1.
    • The default tablespace for external partitions is CENT20.
    • The fields in the records of the external files are separated by comma ','.
    • The table is partitioned into five parts:
      • Three external partitions: CENT18 is empty for the moment; CENT19 has the cent19.dat file stored in a directory other than the default, CENT19; CENT20 has the cent20.dat file stored in the default directory.
      • Two internal partitions: Y2000 is stored in tablespace TS2 and PMAX is stored in the default tablespace TS1.
  5. Find the partitions that are defined as in-memory segments.
    SELECT partition_name, inmemory, inmemory_compression FROM dba_tab_partitions
    WHERE  table_name = 'HYPT_INMEM_TAB';
    -------------- -------- -----------------
    CENT18         DISABLED
    CENT19         DISABLED
    CENT20         DISABLED
    Y2000          ENABLED  FOR QUERY HIGH
    Only internal partitions are defined as in-memory segments.

section 5Insert Data Into the Partitions

  1. Execute the insert_select.sql SQL script to insert rows into the different partitions of the table and query the table.
    The execution of the query on the table rows automatically populates the data into the IM column store.
  2. Verify which partitions are populated into the IM column store.
    SELECT segment_name, partition_name, tablespace_name, populate_status
    FROM   v$im_segments;
    -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------
    HYPT_INMEM_TAB PMAX           TS1                 COMPLETED
    HYPT_INMEM_TAB Y2000          TS2                 COMPLETED
    Only the partitions defined as in-memory segments are populated into the IM column store, and thus the internal partitions.

section 6Determine How Data In Internal And External Partitions Is Accessed

  1. Display the execution plan for a query on all rows in the table.
    EXPLAIN PLAN FOR SELECT * FROM hypt.hypt_inmem_tab;
    | Id  | Operation                               | Name           | Rows| Bytes| Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                        |                | 368K| 7917K|   778  (11)| 00:00:01 |       |      |
    |   1 |  PARTITION RANGE ALL                    |                | 368K| 7917K|   778  (11)| 00:00:01 |     1 |     5|
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS HYBRID PART INMEMORY FULL| HYPT_INMEM_TAB | 368K| 7917K|   778  (11)| 00:00:01 |     1 |     5|
    |   3 |    TABLE ACCESS INMEMORY FULL           | HYPT_INMEM_TAB |     |      |            |          |     1 |     5|
  2. Display the execution plan for a query on the rows of one of the internal partition in the table.
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name           | Rows | Bytes| Cost (%CPU)| Time    | Pstart| Pstop|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                | 82171| 1765K|    25  (56)| 00:00:01|       |      |
    |   1 |  PARTITION RANGE SINGLE     |                | 82171| 1765K|    25  (56)| 00:00:01|     5 |     5|
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS INMEMORY FULL| HYPT_INMEM_TAB | 82171| 1765K|    25  (56)| 00:00:01|     5 |     5|
  3. Display the execution plan for a query on the rows of one of the external partition in the table.
    EXPLAIN PLAN FOR SELECT * FROM hypt.hypt_inmem_tab PARTITION (CENT19);
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name           | Rows | Bytes| Cost (%CPU)| Time    | Pstart| Pstop|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                |  8169|  175K|    31   (7)| 00:00:01|       |      |
    |   1 |  PARTITION RANGE SINGLE     |                |  8169|  175K|    31   (7)| 00:00:01|     2 |     2|
    |   2 |   EXTERNAL TABLE ACCESS FULL| HYPT_INMEM_TAB |  8169|  175K|    31   (7)| 00:00:01|     2 |     2|
    According to the type of partition accessed and the number of partitions accessed at the same time, the operation shows either EXTERNAL TABLE ACCESS FULL (external partitions, not INMEMORY), TABLE ACCESS INMEMORY FULL (internal partitions, INMEMORY) or HYBRID PART INMEMORY FULL (both internal and external partitions).

section 7Clean Up the Environment

  1. Drop the in-memory hybrid partitioned HYPT.HYPT_INMEM_TAB table.
    DROP TABLE hypt.hypt_inmem_tab PURGE;
  2. Quit the session.