
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  


  • .ACFS directory


  • accelerator volume
  • acfsdriverstate
    • Oracle ACFS driver command 7.9.2
  • acfsfileid_lookup
    • Oracle ACFS Plug-in APIs 7.10.2
  • acfsgettag
    • Oracle ACFS tagging API 7.11.3
  • acfslisttags
    • Oracle ACFS tagging API 7.11.4
  • acfsload
    • Oracle ACFS driver command 7.9.1
  • AcfsMaxCachedFiles
    • Oracle ACFS tunable parameter 7.12.9
  • AcfsMaxOpenFiles
    • Oracle ACFS tunable parameter 7.12.9
  • acfsplugin_metrics
    • Oracle ACFS Plug-in APIs 7.10.2
  • acfsremovetag
    • Oracle ACFS tagging API 7.11.5
  • acfssettag
    • Oracle ACFS tagging API 7.11.6
  • acfsutil accel replace command 6.10.1
  • acfsutil acfsdbg command 7.12.1
  • acfsutil blog command 7.12.2
  • acfsutil cluster info command 6.10.2
  • acfsutil compat get command 6.10.3
  • acfsutil compat set command 6.10.4
  • acfsutil compress copy command 6.9.1
  • acfsutil compress info command 6.9.2
  • acfsutil compress off command 6.9.3
  • acfsutil compress on command 6.9.4
  • acfsutil defrag dir command 6.10.5
  • acfsutil defrag file command 6.10.6
  • acfsutil dumpstate command 7.12.3
  • acfsutil encr command 6.7.4
  • acfsutil encr info command 6.7.1
  • acfsutil encr init command 6.7.2
  • acfsutil encr off command 6.7.3
  • acfsutil encr passwd command 6.7.5
  • acfsutil encr rekey command 6.7.6
  • acfsutil encr set command 6.7.7
  • acfsutil freeze command 6.10.7
  • acfsutil fshare create command 6.10.8
  • acfsutil info file command 6.10.9
  • acfsutil info fs command 6.10.10
  • acfsutil info ftrace command 7.12.4
  • acfsutil info id command 6.10.11
  • acfsutil info storage 6.10.12
  • acfsutil keystore migrate command 6.7.8
  • acfsutil lockstats command 7.12.5
  • acfsutil log command 7.12.6
  • acfsutil meta command 7.12.7
  • acfsutil plogconfig command 7.12.8
  • acfsutil plugin disable command 6.10.13
  • acfsutil plugin enable command 6.10.14
  • acfsutil plugin info command 6.10.15
  • acfsutil registry command 6.10.16
  • acfsutil repl bg command 6.6.1
  • acfsutil repl compare 6.6.2
  • acfsutil repl failover command 6.6.3
  • acfsutil repl info command 6.6.4
  • acfsutil repl init command 6.6.5
  • acfsutil repl pause command 6.6.6
  • acfsutil repl resume command 6.6.7
  • acfsutil repl reverse command 6.6.8
  • acfsutil repl sync command 6.6.9
  • acfsutil repl terminate command 6.6.10
  • acfsutil repl trace command 6.6.11
  • acfsutil repl update command 6.6.12
  • acfsutil rmfs command 6.10.17
  • acfsutil scrub command 6.10.18
  • acfsutil size command 6.10.19
    • automatic and manual resizing 6.10.19
  • acfsutil snap convert command 6.8.1
  • acfsutil snap create command 6.8.2
  • acfsutil snap delete command 6.8.3
  • acfsutil snap duplicate apply command 6.8.4
  • acfsutil snap duplicate create command 6.8.5
  • acfsutil snap info command 6.8.6
  • acfsutil snap link 6.8.7
  • acfsutil snap quota command 6.8.8
  • acfsutil snap remaster command 6.8.9
  • acfsutil snap rename command 6.8.10
  • acfsutil tag info command 6.5.1
  • acfsutil tag set command 6.5.2
  • acfsutil tag unset command 6.5.3
  • acfsutil thaw command 6.10.20
  • acfsutil tune command 7.12.9
  • acfsutil version command 6.10.21
  • administering
    • Oracle ACFS 1.4
  • advanced topics
    • Oracle ACFS 7
  • advmutil canonical command 6.10.22
  • advmutil tune command 7.12.10
  • advmutil volinfo command 6.10.23
  • AIX
    • Oracle ACFS command-line tools 6.4
    • See: Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant
  • ASMCMD utility
    • commands for Oracle ACFS and Oracle ADVM 5, 5.1
    • Oracle ADVM volume management commands 5, 5.1
    • volcreate command 5.1.1
    • voldelete command 5.1.2
    • voldisable command 5.1.3
    • volenable command 5.1.4
    • volinfo command 5.1.5
    • volresize command 5.1.6
    • volset command 5.1.7
    • volstat command 5.1.8
  • Automatic Storage Management
    • home page on Oracle Enterprise Manager 3


  • backup and restore


  • changing tag names
  • command-line tools
    • Oracle ACFS 6
    • Oracle ACFS compression 6.9
    • Oracle ACFS encryption 6.7
    • Oracle ACFS snapshots 6.8
  • command-line tools for replication
    • Oracle ACFS 6.6
  • command-line tools for tagging
    • Oracle ACFS 6.5
  • command-line utilities
  • configuring snapshot-based replication 7.14
  • configuring ssh with snapshot-based replication 7.14.1
  • creating a database home
    • with Oracle ASMCA 4.1.4
  • creating an Oracle ACFS file system
    • Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant
  • creating an Oracle ACFS file system snapshot
    • Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant
  • creating an Oracle ADVM volume
    • Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant
  • creating Oracle ACFS file systems 6.1.2


  • database files
    • Oracle ACFS on Oracle Exadata 1.3.3
  • default configuration
  • deleting an Oracle ACFS file system snapshot
    • Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant
  • deregistering file systems
  • determining the volume device name
  • diagnostic commands
  • directories
  • disabling a volume
  • disk group compatibility
    • Oracle ACFS features enabled by settings 1.4.4
  • dismounting file systems
  • dismounting or shutting down
  • displaying encryption information
  • displaying tagging information
  • driver commands
  • driver model
  • drivers resource
    • Oracle ACFS 7.5
  • dynamic views 2


  • enabling encryption
  • encrypting file systems
  • encryption
    • configuring with Oracle ASMCA 4.1.3
    • Oracle ACFS 1.4.7
    • Oracle ACFS and snapshots 1.3.8
    • Oracle ACFS command-line tools 6.7
  • encryption keys
  • error handling
  • Extended Attributes
    • requirements for tagging 1.4.10


  • file access and security
  • fsck command
    • AIX 6.4.1
    • offline mode in Linux environments 6.2.1
    • online mode in Linux environments 6.2.2
    • Solaris 6.3.1


  • grid infrastructure configuration
  • grid infrastructure installation


  • High Availability NFS for Oracle Grid Home


  • I/O failure console messages
  • individual file system resource
    • Oracle ACFS 7.7
  • initializing encryption on file systems



  • limits
    • Oracle ACFS 7.1
    • Oracle ADVM 7.2
  • Linux environments
    • Oracle ACFS command-line tools 6.2
  • logical support for sector size of the Oracle ADVM volume
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4


  • metadata block size
  • mkfs command
  • mount command
  • mounting Oracle ACFS file systems 6.1.2
  • mount model
  • mount registry


  • namespace
  • NFS


  • ora.diskgroup.volume.acfs file system resource
  • ora.drivers.acfs drivers resource
  • Oracle ACFS
    • command-line tools for replication 6.6
    • command-line tools for tagging 6.5
  • Oracle ACFS acfsutil command-line tools
  • Oracle ACFS Compression
  • Oracle ACFS loopback support 7.4
  • Oracle ACFS NAS Maximum Availability eXtensions
  • Oracle ACFS replication
    • configuring snapshot-based replication 7.14
    • configuring ssh for use with snapshot-based replication 7.14.1
  • Oracle Advanced Cluster File System
    • about 1.3.1
    • about using 6.1.1
    • accelerator volume 1.4.13, 6.2.3
    • administering 1.4
    • advanced topics II, 7
    • and NFS 7.1.3
    • and Oracle Enterprise Manager 3
    • and Oracle patching 7.15
    • and Oracle Restart 7.8
    • backup and restore 1.3.9
    • basic steps to access a file system 6.1.3
    • basic steps to create a file system 6.1.2
    • basic steps to deregister, dismount, and disable a volume and file system 6.1.9
    • basic steps to manage snapshots 6.1.4
    • basic steps to manage with command-line tools 6.1
    • basic steps to remove a file system and volume 6.1.10
    • changing tag names 6.1.7
    • command-line tools 6
    • command-line tools for encryption 6.7
    • command-line tools for snapshots 6.8
    • creating file systems 6.1.2
    • creating snapshots with Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.3, 3.3.1
    • creating volumes and file systems with Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.2.1
    • database files with Oracle Exadata 1.3.3
    • deregistering file systems 6.1.9
    • determining the Oracle ADVM volume device name 6.1.2
    • disabling a volume 6.1.9
    • disk group compatibility 6.1.2
    • dismounting file systems 6.1.9
    • dismount or shut down 1.4.6
    • displaying encryption information 6.1.5, 6.1.6
    • displaying tagging information 6.1.7
    • driver commands 7.9
    • driver model 1.3.6
    • drivers resource 7.5
    • enabling encryption 6.1.5, 6.1.6
    • encrypting file systems 6.1.5, 6.1.6
    • encryption 1.4.7
    • encryption keys 1.4.7
    • error handling 7.1.2
    • file access and security 1.4.1
    • file mapping 2.2
    • file systems on other nodes 6.1.3
    • grid infrastructure configuration 1.4.3
    • grid infrastructure installation 1.4.2
    • High Availability NFS for Oracle Grid Home 1.4.14
    • home page on Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.1
    • I/O failure console messages 7.13
    • important considerations with database files 1.3.3
    • important general considerations 1.2
    • individual file system resource 7.7
    • initializing encryption on file systems 6.1.5, 6.1.6
    • integration with Oracle ASM 1.3.10
    • limit on the number of snapshots 1.3.8
    • limits 7.1
    • managing encryption with Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.4
    • mounting file systems 6.1.2
    • mount model 1.3.2
    • mount point and Oracle Database homes 1.3.4
    • mount registry 1.3.7
    • namespace 1.3.2
    • new features 1.1
    • ora.diskgroup.volume.acfs file system resource
    • ora.drivers.acfs drivers resource
    • Oracle ACFS NAS Maximum Availability eXtensions 1.4.14
    • Oracle ADVM 1.5
    • Oracle ADVM volume devices 6.1.2
    • Oracle Clusterware resource types 1.4.5
    • Oracle Database homes, and 1.3.4
    • overview 1, 1.2
    • patching overview 7.15.1
    • plug-in API 7.10
    • plugins 1.4.12
    • privileges to run acfsutil command-line tools 6.1.1
    • read-only and read-write snapshots 1.3.8
    • read-write snapshots 1.3.8
    • registering file systems 6.1.2
    • registry resource 7.6
    • removing tag names 6.1.7
    • replicating file systems 6.1.8
    • replication 1.4.9
    • replication with auditing, encryption, and security 1.4.11
    • setting encryption parameters 6.1.5, 6.1.6
    • snapshots 6.8.2, 6.8.4, 6.8.5
    • space usage 7.1.1
    • specifying tag names for file systems 6.1.7
    • supported file types 1.2
    • tagging 1.4.10
    • tagging API 7.11
    • tagging file systems 6.1.7
    • updating Oracle Grid Infrastructure files 7.15.2
    • verifying patching 7.15.3
    • viewing and modifying snapshots with Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.3, 3.3.1
    • viewing and modifying volumes and file systems with Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.2.2
    • views 2.1
  • Oracle ADVM
    • See: Oracle Automatic Storage Management Dynamic Volume Manager
  • Oracle ADVM volume devices
  • Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant
    • about 4
    • commands to manage Oracle ACFS 4.2.1
    • configuring an Oracle ACFS 4.1.2
    • configuring an Oracle ADVM volume 4.1.1
    • configuring Oracle ACFS encryption 4.1.3
    • configuring Oracle ACFS for a database home 4.1.4
    • configuring Oracle ACFS security 4.1.3
    • createACFS command
    • createACFSSnapshot command
    • createVolume command
    • creating a database home on Oracle ACFS 4.1.4
    • creating an Oracle ACFS file system 4.1.2
    • creating an Oracle ADVM volume 4.1.1
    • deleteACFSSnapshot command
    • mounting or dismounting an Oracle ACFS 4.1.2
  • Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager
    • overview 1
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • advanced topics II
    • integration with Oracle ACFS 1.3.10
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management Dynamic Volume Manager
  • Oracle Clusterware resource types
  • Oracle Database file mapping
    • with Oracle ACFS 2.2
  • Oracle Database homes
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • accessing the Oracle ASM and Oracle ACFS home page 3.1
    • accessing the Oracle ASM home page 3
    • and Oracle ACFS 3
    • creating Oracle ACFS file systems 3.2.1
    • creating Oracle ACFS snapshots 3.3, 3.3.1
    • creating Oracle ACFS volumes 3.2.1
    • managing Oracle ACFS encryption 3.4
    • viewing and modifying Oracle ACFS snapshots 3.3, 3.3.1
    • viewing and modifying Oracle ACFS volumes and file systems 3.2.2
  • Oracle Restart
    • and Oracle ACFS 7.8
  • Oracle support for ACFS Defragger
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • overview
    • See: Oracle Advanced Cluster File SystemOracle Advanced Cluster File System
    • ACFS
      • See: Oracle Advanced Cluster File System
    • Oracle ACFS 1.2
      • See: Oracle Advanced Cluster File System
    • Oracle ACFS and Oracle ADVM 1
    • Oracle ADVM 1.3.5


  • plug-in API
    • Oracle ACFS 7.10
    • Oracle ACFS pre-defined metric type 7.10.1
  • plug-in APIs
  • plugins
  • pre-defined metric type
    • Oracle ACFS plug-in API 7.10.1
  • privileges
    • SYSASM and Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.1


  • registering
    • Oracle ACFS file system 6.1.2
  • registry resource
    • Oracle ACFS 7.6
  • removing tag names
  • replicating file systems
    • calculating storage requirements 6.1.8
    • Oracle ACFS 6.1.8
  • replication
    • initiating 6.6.5
    • Oracle ACFS 1.4.9
    • storage requirements for Oracle ACFS file systems 6.1.8
    • using with Oracle ACFS auditing, encryption, and security 1.4.11


  • security
    • configuring with Oracle ASMCA 4.1.3
    • Oracle ACFS and snapshots 1.3.8
  • setting encryption parameters
  • snapshot-based replication
  • snapshots
    • .ACFS directory 1.3.8, 6.8.2
    • converting format of an existing Oracle ACFS snapshot 1.3.8
    • creating from existing Oracle ACFS snapshot 1.3.8
    • creating Oracle ACFS read-only 6.8.2
    • creating Oracle ACFS read-write 6.8.2
    • duplicating 6.8.4, 6.8.5
    • limit on the number of 1.3.8
    • Oracle ACFS 1.3.8, 6.8.2
    • Oracle ACFS and encryption 1.3.8
    • Oracle ACFS and security 1.3.8
    • Oracle ACFS command-line tools 6.8
    • read-write in Oracle ACFS 1.3.8
    • snap directory 1.3.8
    • snaps directory 6.8.2
  • Solaris
    • Oracle ACFS command-line tools 6.3
  • space usage
  • specifying tag names for file systems
  • supported file types
    • Oracle ACFS 1.2
  • support for 1023 snapshots
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for an Oracle ADVM volume on a flex disk group
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for converting snapshots
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for creating from existing snapshots
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for encryption
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for metadata on Oracle ADVM accelerator volume
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS automatic resize
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS compression
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS on Exadata (Linux) storage 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS replication role reversal
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS snaphot-based replication
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS snapshot duplication
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS snapshot links
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS snapshot quotas
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS snapshot remastering
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS sparse files
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ACFS support for 4 K sectors
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for Oracle ADVM accelerator volume
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for performance and scalability improvements for ls and find
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for read-only snapshots
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for read-write snapshots
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for reducing the size of an Oracle ACFS file system
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for replication
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for security
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for space usage information by individual Oracle ACFS snapshots
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for storing database files in Oracle ACFS file systems
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for storing data files and redo logs in Oracle ACFS file systems
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for tagging
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for unlimited file system expansion
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • support for volumes
    • enabled by compatibility attributes 1.4.4
  • SYSASM privilege
    • accessing the Oracle ASM and Oracle ACFS home page in Oracle Enterprise Manager 3.1


  • tagging
    • Extended Attributes requirements 1.4.10
    • Oracle ACFS 1.4.10
    • requirements for Oracle ACFS 1.4.10
  • tagging API
  • tagging error values
  • tagging file systems
  • tagging name specification


  • umountall command
  • umount command
  • unlimited file system expansion


  • V$ASM_ACFS_SEC_ADMIN view 2.1
  • V$ASM_ACFS_SEC_REALM view 2.1
  • V$ASM_ACFS_SEC_RULE view 2.1
  • V$ASM_ACFSREPLTAG view 2.1
  • V$ASM_ACFSREPL view 2.1
  • V$ASM_ACFSTAG view 2.1
  • V$ASM_ACFSVOLUMES view 2.1
  • V$ASM_FILESYSTEM view 2.1
  • V$ASM_VOLUME_STAT view 2.1
  • V$ASM_VOLUME view 2.1
  • views
    • displaying Oracle ACFS information 2
  • volcreate command
  • voldelete command
  • voldisable command
  • volenable command
  • volinfo command
  • volresize command
  • volset command
  • volstat command
  • volume management commands
    • ASMCMD utility 5, 5.1