Configure an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning server


This tutorial provides step-by-step procedures to configure a new Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) server by creating an Oracle FPP server and adding an Oracle FPP client to the server.


In this tutorial, you will learn about the following procedures:


Before you start this tutorial, ensure that you have the following:

Create an Oracle FPP Server

An Oracle FPP server is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure service that manages Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database servers.

  1. As the root user, remove any existing local automaton from your cluster.
    [grid@fppserver ~]# srvctl stop rhpserver
    [grid@fppserver ~]# srvctl remove rhpserver -f

    Note: Ignore any message similar to Fleet Patching and Provisioning server is not running.

  2. Remove all local Oracle FPP directories from each cluster node.
    [grid@fppserver ~]# rm -rf $ORACLE_BASE/rhp_images
  3. As the grid user, list the Oracle ASM disk groups and identify a disk group to store the Oracle FPP images.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ asmcmd
    ASMCMD> lsdg
  4. As the root user, add the Grid Naming Service Virtual IP Address (GNS VIP) without zone delegation.
    [grid@fppserver ~]# srvctl add gns -vip myhost-gnsvip3
    [grid@fppserver ~]# srvctl start gns
    [grid@fppserver ~]# srvctl status gns
    GNS is running on node fpp-server-n04.
    GNS is enabled on node fpp-server-n04.
  5. Create a central Oracle FPP server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]# Grid_home/bin/srvctl add rhpserver -storage /rhp -diskgroup DATA
  6. As the grid user, start the Oracle FPP server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ Grid_home/bin/srvctl start rhpserver
  7. Check the status of the Oracle FPP server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ srvctl status rhpserver
    Rapid Home Provisioning Server is enabled
    Rapid Home Provisioning Server is running on node fpp-server-n04

Add an Oracle FPP Client

Oracle FPP clients are the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database servers that you manage using an Oracle FPP server.

  1. As the grid user, check the name of the Oracle FPP client cluster.
    [grid@fpp-client3-n04 ~]$ olsnodes -c
  2. Create an Oracle FPP client data file on the Oracle FPP server using the client name from the output of the previous command.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl add client -client fpp-client3-cluster -toclientdata /tmp
    fpp-server-n04: Audit ID: 833
    fpp-server-n04: Creating client data ...
    fpp-server-n04: Client data created for client "fpp-client3-cluster".
  3. As the root user, create an Oracle FPP client using the client data file.
    # srvctl add rhpclient -clientdata /tmp/fpp-client3-cluster.xml
  4. Start the Oracle FPP client.
    # srvctl start rhpclient
  5. Check the status of the newly created Oracle FPP client.
    [root@fpp-client3-n04 ~]# srvctl status rhpclient
    Rapid Home Provisioning Client is enabled
    Rapid Home Provisioning Client is running on node fpp-client3-n04
  6. As the grid user, check the configuration of the Oracle FPP client.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query client -client fpp-client3-cluster
    fpp-server-n04: Audit ID: 834
    Site: fpp-client3-cluster
    Rapid Home Provisioning Client Version:
    Enabled: true
    Host from which RHPC last registered:
    Port number last registered by RHPC: 23795
    RHP Enabled: true
    Standalone: false
    Managed: true
    OSConfig Enabled: false

Perform a Simple Audit Review

Oracle FPP maintains an audit log of all the server activities. You can review these activities by time, operation, and operation against an entity.

  1. Review the last two activities on your Oracle FPP server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query audit -last 2
    fpp-server-n04: Audit ID: 99
    Audit ID: 99
    Start time: 2021-05-04T01:48:36.965
    Command executed: rhpctl query audit -last 2
    End time:
    Command result: RUNNING
    User name: exagrid
    Node name: fpp-server-n04@fpp-server-cluster
    Target cluster: fpp-server-cluster
    Audit ID: 98
    Start time: 2021-05-04T01:37:46.107
    Command executed: rhpctl query client -client fpp-client3-cluster
    End time:
    Command result: RUNNING
    User name: exagrid
    Node name: fpp-server-n04@fpp-server-cluster
    Target cluster: fpp-server-cluster
  2. Review the last two delete operations on your Oracle FPP server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query audit -operation delete
    fpp-server-n04: Audit ID: 100
    Audit ID: 25
    Start time: 2021-04-24T23:13:53.663
    Command executed: rhpctl delete image -image GI186_190416
    End time: 2021-04-24T23:14:00.000
    Command result: SUCCESS
    User name: exagrid
    Node name: fpp-server-n04
    Target cluster: fpp-server-cluster
    Audit ID: 47
    Start time: 2021-04-30T11:51:16.221
    Command executed: rhpctl delete workingcopy -workingcopy GI195_191015_WC_fpps
    End time: 2021-04-30T11:52:03.000
    Command result: SUCCESS
    User name: exagrid
    Node name: fpp-server-n04
    Target cluster: fpp-server-cluster
  3. Review the image entity delete operations on your Oracle FPP server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query audit -operation delete -entity image
    fpp-server-n04: Audit ID: 101
    Audit ID: 25
    Start time: 2020-04-24T23:13:53.663
    Command executed: rhpctl delete image -image GI186_190416
    End time: 2020-04-24T23:14:00.000
    Command result: SUCCESS
    User name: exagrid
    Node name: fpp-server-n04
    Target cluster: fpp-server-cluster

Increase Oracle FPP Audit Record History

By default, Oracle FPP stores 2000 audit trail records. If you exceed that threshold, then Oracle FPP deletes the oldest records.

  1. Update Oracle FPP audit record history to maintain 20000 audit trail records.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl modify audit -maxrecord 20000
    fpp-server-n04: Audit ID: 7
  2. Confirm the new audit record history settings.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query audit -config
    fpp-server-n04: Audit ID: 8
    Maximum number of records to store: 20000

Understand the RHPCTL Online Help

Check RHPCTL online help for a list of the RHPCTL commands, command options, and their usage.

  1. List all the RHPCTL command options.
    $ rhpctl -h
    Performs Rapid Home Provisioning operations and manages Rapid Home Provisioning servers and clients.
     rhpctl add Adds a resource, type or other entity.
     rhpctl addnode Adds nodes or instances of specific resources.
     rhpctl zdtupgrade Performs zero downtime upgrade of a database.
     For detailed help on each command use:
     rhpctl <command> -help

    Note: Use the RHPCTL commands in the format rhpctl command object [parameters]. Use the -h option with any segment of the command for more details.

  2. List all the command options and parameters for the rhpctl add image command.
    $ rhpctl add image -h
    Creates a new image from an existing working copy.
    Usage: rhpctl add image -image <image_name> -workingcopy <workingcopy_name>
    [-imagetype <image_type>]
    [-series <series_name>]
     -image <image_name> Name of the image
     -workingcopy <workingcopy_name> Name of the working copy
     -imagetype <image_type> The software type. ('ORACLEDBSOFTWARE' (default) for Oracle database
      software, 'ORACLEGISOFTWARE' for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for
      Oracle GoldenGate software, 'LINUXOS' for linux Opearting System ISO, and 'SOFTWARE' for all
      other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.)
     -series <series_name> Name of the series


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