About Oracle Grid Infrastructure Software Patch Levels

Review this topic to understand how to apply patches for Oracle ASM and Oracle Clusterware.

The software patch level for Oracle Grid Infrastructure represents the set of all one-off patches and Release Updates (RUs) applied to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software release, including Oracle ASM. The release is the release number, in the format of major and RU release number. For example, with the release number, the major release is 21 and the RU release number is 3. The RU release number changes for RU patches, but it does not change for one-off patches.

As with standard upgrades to Oracle Grid Infrastructure, at any given point in time for normal operation of the cluster, all the nodes in the cluster must have the same software release and patch level. Because one-off patches can be applied as rolling upgrades, all possible patch levels on a particular software release are compatible with each other.