Creating a Remote GIMR Client Data File for Oracle Standalone Clusters

Create a remote GIMR client data file to specify the Oracle Standalone Cluster configuration for the remote Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR).

  1. As the grid user, run the following command from the Oracle Domain Services Cluster with remote GIMR or Oracle Standalone Cluster with remote GIMR to create the GIMR client data file:
    $ /u01/app/21.0.0/gimr/bin/mgmtca createRepos -clientDataFile client_data_file_location -clusterName standalone_cluster_name
    [-version standalone_cluster_version]

    -clientDataFile is the full path of the xml file to export the client data, -clusterName is the name of the Oracle Standalone Cluster, and -version is the five digit Oracle Standalone Cluster version of the cluster for which you want to add a remote GIMR, for example,

    This command creates a GIMR client data file containing configuration details about Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) for the Oracle Standalone Cluster with remote GIMR.

  2. Copy the client data file to a location on the Oracle Standalone Cluster, and select the file during the installation and configuration of the Oracle Standalone Cluster with remote GIMR.