11.10.3 In-Place Grid Infrastructure Management Repository Patch Rollback

Use this procedure on each cluster node for in-place Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) patch rollback, in case of a failure or an error.

  1. Review the patch documentation for the patch you want to roll back, and complete all required steps before starting the rollback.
  2. As the grid user, run the following command:
    C:\> mgmtca applyDatapatch -prePatchRollback -id patchIDList
    Where, patchIDList is the list of GIMR patch IDs that you want to roll back.
  3. Change directory to the \OPatch directory in the GIMR home. For example:
    C:\> cd GIMR_home\OPatch
  4. Run the opatch -rollback command. For example:
    C:\> .\opatch -rollback directory_location\patch_ID
  5. Run the following command to roll back the SQL patch:
    C:\> mgmtca applyDatapatch -postPatchRollback -id patchIDList -sourceHome prepatch_home_location
    Where, patchIDList is the list of GIMR patch IDs that you want to roll back.
    The -sourceHome flag is optional.