3.4 Accessing i5/OS File Members

Access to i5/OS files and file members is not specifically controlled by DRDA or the gateway.

However, DB2 UDB for iSeries uses a naming convention that implies that the file member name is the same as the name of the file being addressed. For example, accessing schema.table implies that table is the file name and also that table is the file member name being accessed.

To access file members with names that differ from the associated file name, you must create a view within the file so that DB2 UDB for iSeries can reference the correct file member.

One method for creating this view involves issuing the i5/OS command Create Logical File (CRTLF). This action creates a logical association between the file name and the file member name.

See Also:

For additional information, refer to the i5/OS Command Language (CL) documentation or to the DB2 UDB for iSeries SQL reference document.