B.1 Initialization Parameter File Syntax

This topic describes the initialization parameter file syntax.

The syntax for the initialization parameter file is as follows:

  • The file is a sequence of commands.
  • Each command should start on a separate line.
  • End of line is considered a command terminator (unless escaped with a backslash).
  • If there is a syntax error in an initialization parameter file, none of the settings take effect.
  • Set the parameter values as follows:
    [SET][PRIVATE] parameter=value


    parameter is an initialization parameter name. It is a string of characters starting with a letter and consisting of letters, digits and underscores. Initialization parameter names are case sensitive.

    value is the initialization parameter value. It is case-sensitive. An initialization parameter value is either:

    1. A string of characters that does not contain any backslashes, white space or double quotation marks (")
    2. A quoted string beginning with a double quotation mark and ending with a double quotation mark. The following can be used inside a quoted string:
      • backslash (\) is the escape character
      • \n inserts a new line
      • \t inserts a tab
      • \" inserts a double quotation mark
      • \\ inserts a backslash

      A backslash at the end of the line continues the string on the next line. If a backslash precedes any other character then the backslash is ignored.

    For example, to enable tracing for an agent, set the HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL initialization parameter as follows:


    SET and PRIVATE are optional keywords. You cannot use either as an initialization parameter name. Most parameters are needed only as initialization parameters, so you usually do not need to use the SET or PRIVATE keywords. If you do not specify either SET or PRIVATE, the parameter is used only as an initialization parameter for the agent.

    SET specifies that, in addition to being used as an initialization parameter, the parameter value is set as an environment variable for the agent process. Use SET for parameter values that the drivers or non-Oracle system need as environment variables.

    PRIVATE specifies that the initialization parameter should be private to the agent and should not be uploaded to the Oracle database. Most initialization parameters should not be private. If, however, you are storing sensitive information like a password in the initialization parameter file, then you may not want it uploaded to the server because the initialization parameters and values are not encrypted when uploaded. Making the initialization parameters private prevents the upload from happening and they do not appear in dynamic performance views. Use PRIVATE for the initialization parameters only if the parameter value includes sensitive information such as a username or password.

    SET PRIVATE specifies that the parameter value is set as an environment variable for the agent process and is also private (not transferred to the Oracle database, not appearing in dynamic performance views or graphical user interfaces).