Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Self-upgrade

Perform these steps when upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure from 19c to 21c using the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) self-upgrade feature.

  1. Add a GIMR working copy of Oracle Database 21c on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 19c with the -readonly and -ignoreprereq options.
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GIMR_working_copy_name -path path_to_software_home 
    -oraclebase Oracle_base_path -storagetype LOCAL -image image_name -readonly -ignoreprereq
  2. Add software only Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c working copy on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 19c.
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI_working_copy_name -path path_to_software_21c_home 
    [-oraclebase Oracle_base_path] -softwareonly  -image 21c_GI_image_name
  3. Unset the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.
    $ unset ORACLE_HOME
  4. Run the upgrade gihome command from the software only Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c working copy using the script.
    $ ./ ugrade gihome -sourcehome 19c_GI_home -destwc GI_21c_working_copy_name 
    -gimrwc GIMR_working_copy_name -batches "(batch1),(batch2)"