Running a Zero-Downtime Upgrade Using Oracle GoldenGate for Replication

Run a zero-downtime upgrade using Oracle GoldenGate for replication.

  1. Prepare the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

    Create gold images of the Oracle GoldenGate software in the image library of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


    You can download the Oracle GoldenGate software for your platform from Oracle eDelivery. The Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 installable kit contains the required software for both Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Database 12c databases.

    If you download the Oracle GoldenGate software, then extract the software home and perform a software only installation on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

    Create gold images of the Oracle GoldenGate software for both databases, as follows:
    $ rhpctl import image -image 112ggimage -path path -imagetype ORACLEGGSOFTWARE
    $ rhpctl import image -image 12ggimage -path path -imagetype ORACLEGGSOFTWARE
    In both of the preceding commands, path refers to the location of the Oracle GoldenGate software home on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server for each release of the database.
  2. Prepare the target database.

    Provision working copies of the Oracle GoldenGate software to the cluster hosting the database, as follows:
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GG_Wcopy_11g -image 112ggimage -user
      user_name -node 12102_cluster_node -path path {-root | -sudouser user_name
      -sudopath sudo_bin_path}
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GG_Wcopy_12c -image 12ggimage -user
      user_name -node 12102_cluster_node -path path {-root | -sudouser user_name
      -sudopath sudo_bin_path}
    If the database is hosted on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, itself, then neither the -targetnode nor -client parameters are required.


    Working copy names must be unique, therefore you must use a different working copy name on subsequent targets. You can create unique working copy names by including the name of the target/client cluster name in the working copy name.
  3. Provision a working copy of the Oracle Database 12c software home to the target cluster.


You can do this preparation ahead of the maintenance window without disrupting any operations taking place on the target.
  • You can run the upgrade command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to upgrade a database hosted on the server, an Oracle Database 12c release 1 ( target cluster, or a database hosted on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 12c release 2 ( or 18c. You can also run the command a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 18c to upgrade a database hosted on the client, itself.
    Use the upgrade command similar to the following:
    $ rhpctl zdtupgrade database -dbname sierra -destwc DB_Wcopy_121 -ggsrcwc
      GG_Wcopy_11g -ggdstwc GG_Wcopy_12c -targetnode 12102_cluster_node -root

    In the preceding command, 12102_cluster_node refers to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 1 ( cluster hosting the database you want to upgrade.