Package oracle.sql

Class ConverterArchive

  • public class ConverterArchive
    extends Object
    This class allows a program to serialize an object and put it into a regular file or archive it into a zip file. It also allows a program to extract the object from the file for usage. It is used by the GSS package to create dynamically loadable data files. It is made public so programs from other packages can utilize this to created dynamically loable data files.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConverterArchive

        public ConverterArchive()
    • Method Detail

      • openArchiveforInsert

        public void openArchiveforInsert​(String zipName)
        zipName - is the name of the zip file. May include directory
      • closeArchiveforInsert

        public void closeArchiveforInsert()
      • insertObj

        public void insertObj​(Object obj,
                              String entryName)
        entryName is the name of the obj inside the zip file, include directory
      • insertSingleObj

        public void insertSingleObj​(String zipName,
                                    Object obj,
                                    String entryName)
                             throws IOException
        entryName is the name of the obj inside the zip file, include directory zipName is the name of the zip file. May include directory
      • openArchiveforRead

        public void openArchiveforRead()
      • closeArchiveforRead

        public void closeArchiveforRead()
      • readObj

        public Object readObj​(String zipName,
                              String entryName)
        entryName is the name of the obj inside the zip file, include directory zipName is the name of the zip file. May include directory