Manage Oracle Grid Infrastructure lifecycle using an Oracle FPP server


This tutorial provides step-by-step procedures to create Oracle Grid Infrastructure gold images and working copies, patch and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, and delete inactive working copies.


In this tutorial, you will learn about the following procedures:


Before you start this tutorial, ensure that you have the following:

Create an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Image

Use the RHPCTL utility to create an Oracle Grid Infrastructure gold image, which you can later use to provision the software.

  1. As the grid user, import an image from an installed Oracle Grid Infrastructure home on an Oracle FPP server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl import image -image GI213_213000 -path /u01/app/21.3.0/grid -imagetype ORACLEGISOFTWARE
    fppserver: Audit ID: 21
    fppserver: Creating a new ACFS file system for image "GI213_213000" ...
    fppserver: Copying files...
    fppserver: Copying home contents...
    fppserver: Changing the home ownership to user grid...
    fppserver: Changing the home ownership to user grid...
  2. Check the status of the newly created image. Confirm that the image status is Complete: TRUE.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query image -image GI213_213000
    fppserver: Audit ID: 812
    Image name: GI213_213000
    Owner: grid@ct03vm07f-006
    Site: ct03vm07f-006
    Access control: USER:grid@ct03vm07f-006
    Image platform: Linux_AMD64
    Interim patches installed: 28256701,28090564,28090557,28090553,28090523
    Contains a non-rolling patch: FALSE
    Complete: TRUE

Create a Custom Oracle Grid Infrastructure Image Type

Create a custom Oracle FPP image type and modify an existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure image to use the new custom image type.

  1. As the grid user, create a new custom image type.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype CORP_STANDARDS_GI -basetype ORACLEGISOFTWARE
    fppserver: Audit ID: 247
  2. Check the list of image types to confirm that the CORP_STANDARDS_GI image type is available.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query imagetype
    fppserver: Audit ID: 248
    Image type: CORP_STANDARDS_GI
    Image type: BASE_SOFTWARE
    Image type: SOFTWARE
    Image type: CUSTOM_PLUGIN
    Image type: LINUXOS
  3. Assign the new custom image type to an existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure image.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl modify image -image GI213_213000 -imagetype CORP_STANDARDS_GI
    fppserver: Audit ID: 251
  4. Check the status of the modified image to confirm that the image type is CORP_STANDARDS_GI.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query image -image GI213_213000
    fppserver: Audit ID: 252
    Image name: GI213_213000
    Owner: exagrid@fpp-server-cluster
    Site: fpp-server-cluster
    Image Version:
    Groups configured in the image: OSDBA=dba,OSOPER=exaosope,OSASM=exaosasm,OSBACKUP=exaosasm,OSDG=exaosasm,OSKM=exaosasm,OSRAC=exaosasm
    Image platform: Linux_AMD64
    Interim patches installed: 30368482,30363621,30585645,30312546,30125133,30122149,29401763
    Contains a non-rolling patch: FALSE
    Complete: TRUE

Create an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home Working Copy

Create an Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy of a specific software version and patch level to provision an Oracle FPP client or target.

  1. Add a new Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy based on an existing gold image.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl add workingcopy -image GI213_213000 -path /u01/app/21.3.0/grid/GI213_213000 -softwareonly -workingcopy GI213_213000_WC_fpps
    fppserver: Audit ID: 28
    fppserver: Storing metadata in repository for working copy "GI213_213000_WC_fpps" ...
    fppserver: Changing the home ownership to user exagrid:...
    fppserver: Starting transfer for remote copy ...
    fppserver: Copying home contents...
    fppserver: .................................................. 5% Done.
    fppserver: .................................................. 100% Done.
    fppserver: Successfully executed clone operation.
    fppserver: Executing root script on nodes [fppserver-n01, fppserver-n02, fppserver-n03, fppserver-n04].
    fppserver: Successfully executed root script on nodes [fppserver-n01, fppserver-n02, fppserver-n03, fppserver-n04].
    fppserver: Oracle home provisioned.
    fppserver: Working copy creation completed.
  2. Check the status of the newly created working copy. Confirm that the image status is Complete: TRUE.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query workingcopy -workingcopy GI213_213000_WC_fpps
    fppserver: Audit ID: 30
    Working copy name: GI213_213000_WC_fpps
    Image name: GI213_213000
    Groups configured in the working copy: OSDBA=exaosdb,OSOPER=exaosope,OSASM=exaosasm
    Owner: exagrid@fpp-server-cluster
    All patches available in this home: 30368482,30363621,30585645,30312546,30125133,30122149,29401763
    Additional patches compared to the image:
    Additional bug fixes that are not in the image:
    Complete: TRUE

Patch an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home

To patch the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, move the current Grid home to the patched Grid home.

  1. Evaluate the impact of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching operation on your server. Confirm that the evaluation completes successfully.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcehome /u01/app/21.3.0/grid -destwc GI213_213000_WC_fppc4 -ignorewcpatches -eval
    Wed May 13 17:07:35 PDT 2021
    fppserver: Audit ID: 228
    fppserver: Evaluation in progress for "move gihome" ...
    fppserver: verifying versions of Oracle homes ...
    fppserver: verifying owners of Oracle homes ...
    fppserver: verifying groups of Oracle homes ...
    fppserver: Connecting to RHPC...
    fppserver: initiating sharedness check for the 'move gihome' operation on client cluster
    fppserver: completed the sharedness check for the source and destination Oracle home on client cluster
    fppserver: Evaluation finished successfully for "move gihome".
  2. Move from the old Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to the patched Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy. Confirm that the patching completes successfully.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcehome /u01/app/21.3.0/grid -destwc GI213_213000_WC_fppc4 -ignorewcpatches
    Thu May 14 17:55:15 PDT 2021
    fppserver: Audit ID: 234
    fppserver: Connecting to RHPC...
    fpp-client1-n02: Executing root script on nodes [fpp-client1-n01].
    You can find the log of this install session at: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/UpdateNodeList2021-05-14_06-05-02PM.log
    'UpdateNodeList' was successful.
    fpp-client1-n02: Updated inventory on nodes: fpp-client1-n01.
    fpp-client1-n02: completed the move of Oracle Grid Infrastructure home on client cluster "fpp-client1-cluster"
    fpp-client1-n02: Completed the 'move gihome' operation on cluster fpp-client1-cluster.
  3. Check the status of the patch operation. Confirm that the status is Software only: false and Complete: TRUE.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query workingcopy -workingcopy GI213_213000_WC_fppc4
    fppserver: Audit ID: 235
    Working copy name: GI213_213000_WC_fppc4
    Image name: GI213_213000
    Groups configured in the working copy: OSDBA=asmdba,OSOPER=asmoper,OSASM=asmadmin
    Owner: grid@fpp-client1-cluster
    Site: fpp-client1-cluster
    Access control: USER:grid@fpp-client1-cluster
    Access control: USER:exagrid@fpp-server-cluster
    Access control: ROLE:GH_WC_ADMIN
    Software home path: /u01/app/21.3.0/grid
    Storage type: LOCAL
    Software only: false
    Complete: TRUE

Upgrade an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home

Upgrade an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to a higher release version, Release Update (RU), or a patch level.

  1. Evaluate the impact of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure upgrade operation on your server.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl upgrade gihome -sourcehome /u01/app/21.3.0/grid -destwc GI213_213000_WC_fpps -eval
  2. Move from the old Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to the upgraded Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy. Confirm that the upgrade completes successfully.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl upgrade gihome -sourcehome /u01/app/21.3.0/grid -destwc GI213_213000_WC_fpps -ignorewcpatches
    Thu May 14 17:55:15 PDT 2021
    fppserver: Audit ID: 51
    fppserver: verifying versions of Oracle homes ...
    fppserver: verifying owners of Oracle homes ...
    fppserver: verifying groups of Oracle homes ...
    fppserver: Successfully executed root script on nodes [fpp-server-n01].
  3. Check the status of the upgrade operation. Confirm that the status is Software only: false and Complete: TRUE.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query workingcopy -workingcopy GI213_213000_WC_fppc4
    fppserver: Audit ID: 54
    Working copy name: GI213_213000_WC_fppc4
    Image name: GI213_213000
    Groups configured in the working copy: OSDBA=exaosdb,OSOPER=exaosope,OSASM=exaosasm
    Owner: exagrid@fpp-server-cluster
    Site: fpp-server-cluster
    Access control: USER:exagrid@fpp-server-cluster
    Access control: ROLE:GH_WC_ADMIN
    Software home path: /u01/app/21.3.0/grid
    Storage type: LOCAL
    Software only: false
    Complete: TRUE

Delete an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Working Copy

Delete inactive or old Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copies.

  1. Check if the Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy is inactive. Confirm that the status is Software only: false.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query workingcopy -workingcopy GI213_213015_WC_fpps
    fppserver: Audit ID: 89
    Working copy name: GI213_213015_WC_fpps
    Image name: GI213_213015
    Groups configured in the working copy: OSDBA=exaosdb,OSOPER=exaosope,OSASM=exaosasm
    Owner: exagrid@fpp-server-cluster
    Site: fpp-server-cluster
    Access control: USER:exagrid@fpp-server-cluster
    Access control: ROLE:GH_WC_ADMIN
    Software home path: /u01/app/21.3.0/grid
    Storage type: LOCAL
    Software only: true
    Complete: TRUE
  2. Delete the inactive Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl delete workingcopy -workingcopy GI213_213015_WC_fpps
    Thu May 14 17:55:15 PDT 2021
    fppserver: Audit ID: 90
    fppserver: Executing detach home operation...
    fppserver: Successfully executed detach home operation.
    fppserver: Removing storage for working copy ...
  3. Check the status of the delete operation. Confirm that the working copy does not exist.
    [grid@fppserver ~]$ rhpctl query workingcopy -workingcopy GI213_213015_WC_fpps
    fppserver: Audit ID: 91
    PRGR-118 : Working copy "GI213_213015_WC_fpps" does not exist.


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