About Oracle Wallet Manager

Oracle Wallet Manager creates and manages Oracle Wallets.

If you want to use the Windows registry for Oracle Wallets, then you must select the Use Windows System Registry check box. If Windows System Registry is selected, then the tool shows a list of existing keys when it opens a wallet or saves a new wallet. The list appears in:


You can select one of the existing locations or enter the name for a new location (registry key). If you enter a new key called key1, for example, then the tool creates the following registry key:


The encrypted wallet is stored in:


The obfuscated wallet is stored in:

If you do not select the Use Windows System Registry check box, then the tool displays all the available drives and directories on the local computer. You can select one of the existing directories or enter a new directory. The tool stores the encrypted or the obfuscated wallet in the selected directory or creates the directory if it does not exist.


Oracle Wallet Manager (OWM) is deprecated with Oracle Database 21c.

See Also:

Oracle Database Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide for more information about using Oracle Wallet Manager