Miscellaneous Errors: OSD-04500 to OSD-04599

Review miscellaneous errors.


Illegal option specified

Cause: This is an internal error, not normally expected to occur.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.


Internal buffer overflow

Cause: This is an internal error, not normally expected to occur.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.


Translations nested too deep

Cause: Program encountered too many intermediate translations while attempting to translate a configuration variable.

Action: Simplify values of configuration parameters to include fewer intermediate translations.


Text contains no translatable elements

Cause: Program cannot recognize variables in text to be translated.

Action: Check and, if necessary, correct text to be translated.


stdin not responding

Cause: System cannot receive input from standard input stream.

Action: Verify that process has access to an input device.


Unable to spawn process through system()

Cause: System is out of memory or executable is invalid.

Action: Shut down unnecessary processes; install more memory in the computer. Verify name of executable.


Operating system roles are not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to use an operating system role.

Action: Only use roles that were created 'IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD' as opposed to 'IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY'.


Unable to get date and time from the operating system

Cause: Unexpected return from GetLocalTime() call.

Action: Verify that system time is correct on the computer.


Unable to translate the 'USERNAME' config.ora variable on server

Cause: 'USERNAME' configuration parameter variable on host is not properly set.

Action: Verify 'USERNAME' variable is set.


The Windows Group name is too long for internal buffer

Cause: Windows Group name is too long.

Action: Use a shorter Windows group name.