Modifying the Initialization Parameter File

Describes how to modify the initialization parameter file.

To use the starter database orcl as the basis for your new database:

  1. Copy ORACLE_BASE\admin\orcl\pfile\init.ora.

  2. Place the copy in ORACLE_BASE\admin\prod\pfile\init.ora.

  3. Modify the file by performing the following tasks:


    Starting with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2), nesting of quotation marks using the backslash (\) escape character is no longer supported. This affects how Oracle Database interprets the parameter values in your initialization parameter file. For example, if you specified CONTROL_FILES = "ctlfile\'1.ora" in releases before release 9.2, the file name was interpreted as ctlfile'1.ora. Starting with release 9.2, the file name will be interpreted as ctlfile\'1.ora.

    Oracle highly recommends modifying your parameter files to remove such references and other methods of nesting quotation marks in the initialization parameter values.

    1. If you do not have an existing database on your system, then you cannot copy an existing initialization parameter file to use as the basis for your new initialization parameter file. However, you can use the sample initialization parameter file initsmpl.ora provided in:


      This is the basis for the initialization parameter file for the database prod.

    2. If you use the initsmpl.ora file as the basis for the initialization parameter file, then the following parameters must be set to the indicated values, otherwise you cannot start database prod:


      The parameter DB_NAME indicates the database name and must match the name used in the CREATE DATABASE statement. Give a unique database name to each database. You can use eight characters for a database name. The name is not required to match the SID of the database service.



      CONTROL_FILES = ( "C:\app\username\oradata\prod\control01.ctl", "C:\app\username\oradata\prod\control02.ctl", "C:\app\username\oradata\prod\control03.ctl")

      The parameter CONTROL_FILES lists the database control files. You do not have to control files on your file system at this point, because control files are created when you run the CREATE DATABASE statement. Ensure that you specify the complete path and the file name, including the drive letter.


      Modifying the initialization parameter DB_FILES is not required, but it is recommended to optimize performance. Set this parameter to the same number as the value of the MAXDATAFILES option of the CREATE DATABASE statement. The value of 100 is used for this example.

      The DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter sets the location of the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR), which is a directory structure stored outside of the database. The ADR is used in problem diagnostics.

      Use DIAGNOSTIC_DEST = ORACLE_HOME\log if the environment variable ORACLE_BASE is not set.

      Use DIAGNOSTIC_DEST = ORACLE_BASE variable if the environment variable ORACLE_BASE is set.

      See Also: