Determines Windows scheduling priorities of the threads within the Oracle Database management system process.

The format is:

name1:priority1;name2:priority2 . . .

The name class sets the priority class of the Oracle Database process. Threads can be assigned a priority either collectively or individually. The collective name user designates non-background (shadow) threads; the collective name def designates any thread type not handled specifically. Valid individual background thread names include DBW0, LGWR, PMON, SMON, ARCH0, RECO, CKPT, TRWR, SNP0 through SNP9, and any other name found in the NAME column of the v$bgprocess data dictionary view.

The default value is class:normal; def:normal.


ORACLE_PRRITY is not automatically created for you in the registry. When it is not defined in the registry, Windows default values are used for thread priorities.