Performing External Role Authorization Tasks on the Client Computer

Learn how to perform external role authorization tasks on the client computer.

Perform the following steps:
  1. Create a Windows local or a domain user name with the same user name and password that exist on the Windows server (if the appropriate user name does not currently exist).
  2. Ensure that parameter SQLNET.AUTHENTICATN_SERVICES in file sqlnet.ora contains nts.
  3. Use Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to configure a network connection from your client computer to Oracle Database.
  4. Start SQL*Plus:
    C:\> sqlplus /NOLOG
  5. Connect to the correct instance:
    SQL> SET INSTANCE connect_identifier

    where connect_identifier is the net service name for the Oracle Database connection that you created in Step 3.

  6. Connect to Oracle Database:
    Enter password: password

    You are connected to the Windows server over net service with Oracle Database user name smith. Roles applied to Oracle Database user name smith consist of all roles defined for the Windows user name that were previously mapped to the database roles (in this case, ORA_DBSALES3_D). All roles available under an authenticated connection are determined by the Windows user name and the Oracle-specific Windows local groups to which the user belongs (for example, ORA_SID_DBSALES1 or ORA_SID_DBSALES4_DA).


    OSDBA and OSOPER are the generic names for the two special operating system groups that control database administrator logins when using operating system authentication.