Performing External User Authentication Tasks on the Client Computer

Use this procedure to perform external user authentication tasks on the client computer.

Perform the following external user authentication tasks on the client computer:

  1. Ensure that parameter SQLNET.AUTHENTICATN_SERVICES in file sqlnet.ora contains nts.
  2. Use Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to configure a network connection from your client computer to the Windows server on which Oracle Database is installed.
  3. Start SQL*Plus:
    C:\> sqlplus /NOLOG
  4. Connect to your Windows server:
    SQL> CONNECT /@connect_identifier

    where connect_identifier is the net service name for Oracle Database.

    Oracle Database searches the data dictionary for an automatic login user name corresponding to the Windows local or domain user name, verifies it, and enables connection as xyzjones or xyzsales\jones.

  5. Verify that you have connected to Oracle Database as domain user jones by viewing the roles assigned.

    which outputs for local user jones:

    USERNAME                       GRANTED_ROLE                   ADM DEF OS_
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- ---
    XYZJONES                       DBA                            NO  YES NO 
    1 row selected.

    or, for domain user jones:

    USERNAME                       GRANTED_ROLE                   ADM DEF OS_
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- ---
    XYZSALES\JONES                 DBA                            NO  YES NO 
    1 row selected.

    Because the Oracle Database user name is the whole name xyzjones or xyzsales\jones, each object created by xyzjones or xyzsales\jones (that is, table, view, index, and so on) is prefixed by this name. For another user to reference the table shark owned by xyzjones, for example, the user must enter:

    SQL> SELECT * FROM xyzjones.shark 


    Automatic authorization is supported for all Oracle Net protocols.