Starting Database Tools from the Command Line

Describes how to start Oracle Database tools from the command line, and where to go for further information on using these products.

Table 2-3 Starting Database Tools from the Command Line

Tool Enter at Prompt More Information

Oracle ASM Disk Stamping Tool

Oracle ASM Disk Stamping Tool (GUI version)

  • C:\> asmtool

    Following are the list of options:

    C:\> asmtool -add

    C:\> asmtool -addprefix

    C:\> asmtool -list

    C:\> asmtool -delete

  • C:\> asmtoolg

    Note: asmtoolg is the GUI-based tool that performs the same actions as the command-line asmtool tool.

"Marking Disk Partitions for Oracle ASM Before Installation" in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation and Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit)


C:\> dbv

DBVERIFY starts and prompts you for a file name parameter. To obtain a list of parameters, enter:

C:\> dbv help=y

Oracle Database Utilities

Data Pump Export

C:\> expdp user name

EXP starts and prompts you for parameters. To obtain a list of these parameters, enter:

C:\> exp help=y

Oracle Database Utilities for instructions on use of Data Pump Export

Oracle Database Error Messages Reference for information on error messages

Data Pump Import

C:\> impdp user name

IMP starts and prompts you for parameters. To get a list of these parameters, enter:

C:\> imp help=y

Oracle Database Utilities for instructions on use of Data Pump Import

Oracle Database Error Messages for information on error messages

Database Configuration Assistant

C:\> dbca

Oracle Database Configuration Assistant tool starts in interactive mode. For silent options and other command-line options, enter:

C:\> dbca -help

"Starting DBCA" in Oracle Database 2 Day DBA

Database Upgrade Assistant

C:\> dbua

Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant wizard starts in interactive mode. For silent options and other command line options enter:

C:\> dbua -help

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide


C:\> exp user name

EXP starts and prompts you for parameters. To obtain a list of these parameters, enter:

C:\> exp help=y

Oracle Database Utilities for instructions on use of Export

Oracle Database Error Messages for information on error messages


C:\> imp user name

IMP starts and prompts you for parameters. To get a list of these parameters, enter:

C:\> imp help=y

Oracle Database Utilities for instructions on use of Import

Oracle Database Error Messages for information on error messages

Net Services Configuration

C:\> netca

Oracle Net Configuration Assistant tool starts in interactive mode. For silent options and other command-line options, enter:

C:\> netca -help

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide


C:\> oradim options

To get a list of ORADIM options, enter either of the following:

C:\> oradim

C:\> oradim -? | -h | -help


Oracle Wallet Manager

C:\> cd ORACLE_HOME\bin

C:\ORACLE_HOME\bin> launch.exe ORACLE_HOME\bin

Password Utility (ORAPWD)

C:\> orapwd

Password file is hidden. Use Windows Explorer to see it in a file list. From the View menu, select Options, then select View and then select Show All Files.


Recovery Manager (RMAN)

C:\> rman parameters

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide


C:\> sqlplus

SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference


C:\> sqlldr

SQL*Loader displays a Help screen with available keywords and default values.

Oracle Database Utilities

Oracle Database Error Messages

"Starting Windows Tools"


C:\> tkprof

Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide

User Migration Utility

C:\> umu parameters

To get a list of parameters, enter:

C:\> umu help=yes

"Using the User Migration Utility" in Oracle Database Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide


  • Three special conditions apply when running Export or Import utilities on Windows. First, default values for BUFFER and RECORDLENGTH parameters are 4 KB and 2 KB respectively. This default RECORDLENGTH parameter does not depend on the value of BUFSIZ defined in the system header file. If you specify a value larger than USHRT_MAX (64 KB), you get a warning message. Second, the VOLSIZE parameter is not supported. Third, to export an entire database, you must use the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express is another database tool for managing the database. For information about logging in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express, see "Configuring the HTTP Port for EM Express" in Oracle Database 2 Day DBA.


Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) is deprecated, and will be removed in a future Oracle Database release.