Using Registry Editor to Modify Configuration Information

Oracle Database stores its configuration information in a structure known as the registry.

You can view and modify this configuration information through Registry Editor. The registry contains configuration information for your computer and must not be accessible for editing by inexperienced users. Only experienced administrators must view and change this information.

Registry Editor displays configuration information in a format similar to Windows Explorer. In the left-hand window is a tree-like format consisting of keys (or folders). When one of these keys is highlighted, parameters and values assigned to that key are displayed in the right-hand window.

When you install products from your media, configuration parameters are automatically entered in the registry. These parameters are read each time your Windows computer is started and whenever an Oracle Database product is started. These parameters include settings for:

  • Oracle home directory

  • Language

  • Company name

  • Oracle home subdirectories for individual products

  • Individual products such as SQL*Plus

  • Services