Write(byte[ ], int, int)

Overrides Stream

This instance method writes data from the provided byte array buffer into the OracleClob.


// C#
public override void Write(byte[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);


  • buffer

    The byte array buffer that represents a Unicode string.

  • offset

    The offset (in bytes) from which the buffer is read.

  • count

    The amount of data (in bytes) from the buffer to be written into the OracleClob.


ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

  • The offset or the count is less than 0.

  • The offset is greater than or equal to the buffer.Length.

  • The offset and the count together are greater than the buffer.Length.

  • The offset, the count, or the Position is not even.


Both offset and count must be even numbers for CLOB and NCLOB because every two bytes represent a Unicode character.

The LOB data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property. The Position property must be an even number.

If necessary, proper data conversion is carried out from the client character set to the database character set.