OracleCredential(string, SecureString, string, SecureString)

This constructor creates an OracleCredential object with the user id and the secured password for the end user, as well as the user id and the secured password for the proxy user.


// C#
public OracleCredential(string userId, SecureString password, string proxyUserId, SecureString proxyPassword)


  • ArgumentNullException is raised if any parameters are passed as null.

  • ArgumentException is raised if “/” is passed for userId argument.

  • ArgumentException is raised if the SecureString containing the password is not read-only.

  • InvalidOperationException is raised when OracleCredential object is used with any of user id, password, proxy user id, proxy password and/or dba privilegeconnection string attribute(s) present in the connection string.


With this constructor, OracleDBAPrivilege.None is for the DBA privilege when requesting for a connection.