FromCustomObject(OracleConnection, object)

This interface method creates an Oracle Object or Collection by setting the attribute or element values respectively on the specified Oracle UDT.


// C#
void FromCustomObject(OracleConnection con, object pUdt);


  • con

    An OracleConnection instance.

  • pUdt

    An object of Oracle Object or Collection to be created.


The FromCustomObject method is used to build an Oracle Object or Collection from a custom object by setting attribute or element values respectively through the OracleUdt.SetValue method.

The OracleUdt.SetValue method is invoked as follows:

  • Oracle Object Type

    For a custom type that represents an Oracle Object Type, the OracleUdt.SetValue method must be invoked for each non-NULL attribute value that needs to be set.

  • Oracle Collection Type

    For a custom type that represents an Oracle Collection Type, a single call to OracleUdt.SetValue method specifies the collection element values.