OracleDecimal(string, string)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure with the supplied string value and number format.


// C#
public OracleDecimal(string numStr, string format);


  • numStr

    The provided string value.

  • format

    The provided number format.


ArgumentException - The numStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an OracleDecimal or the numStr is not in the numeric format specified by format.

ArgumentNullException - The numStr parameter is null.

OverFlowException - The value of numStr parameter is greater than the maximum value or less than the minimum value of OracleDecimal.


If the numeric format includes decimal and group separators, then the provided string must use those characters defined by the OracleGlobalization.NumericCharacters of the thread.

If the numeric format includes the currency symbol, ISO currency symbol, or the dual currency symbol, then the provided string must use those symbols defined by the OracleGlobalization.Currency, OracleGlobalization.ISOCurrency, and OracleGlobalization.DualCurrency properties respectively.


// C#
using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
class OracleDecimalSample
  static void Main(string[] args)
    // Set the nls parameters related to currency
    OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo();
    info.Currency = "$";
    info.NumericCharacters = ".,";
    // Construct an OracleDecimal using a valid numeric format
    OracleDecimal dec = new OracleDecimal("$2,222.22","L9G999D99");
    // Print "$2,222.22"