
This method compares the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values.


// C#
public int CompareTo(object obj);


  • obj

    The object being compared to the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance.

Return Value

The method returns a number that is:

Less than zero: if the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance value is less than that of obj.

Zero: if the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance and obj values are equal.

Greater than zero: if the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance value is greater than that of obj.




ArgumentException - The obj is not of type OracleTimeStampTZ.


The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

  • The comparison must be between OracleTimeStampTZs. For example, comparing an OracleTimeStampTZ instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleTimeStampTZ is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown.

  • Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value.

  • Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.