The upper left portion of the page provides values for the Database, Version, Replay Name, and Logged In As fields.

Following this, text appears that reads "Continue to the next step after the workloads are completely copied to the current host."

The upper right portion of the page states "Step 2 of 5," a Cancel button and a Back button appear to the left of this text, and a Next button appears to the right of this text.

The Copy From Workload Location contains the following introductory text:

"Enter location details and credentials for all captures and click Next to proceed with copying all the workloads to the new location at once. This new location will contain subdirectories of all workloads. Make sure the new location is accessible by this database instance."

A Capture Name list appears below this text with myCDBCapture selected.

A Current Location of the Workload Directory sub-section appears below the Copy from Workload Location section. It contains a read-only Host name and Directory path. Below this are three Credential radio buttons with Preferred selected. (The other two are Named and New.) A Preferred Credential Name drop-down shows that Normal Host Credentials is selected. Credential Details shows the UserName and Password.

A New Location of the Workload Directory sub-section appears next. Required Host and Directory input fields appear first, then the credentials input area appears, and is the same as for the Current Location of the Workload Directory sub-section.

End of description.